[STARTUP] "Are you sure you want to play crim"

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harmonbee 1077

Publishing for Always Be Running - this took me to fourth at Birmingham Summer Startup Tournament 4 (3.8 remix), which TheRealLap ran because I was busy. Thank you Lap! (even if you nicked a few of my jokes for the ABR entry lol)

Here is a conversation between krysdreavus and I, after we discussed Startup Criminal draw options.

krysdreavus saying "are you sure you want to play crim", followed by me saying "screenshotting this so if I come first I can put it in the decklist writeup"

I did not come first, and thus have been proven wrong.

This deck went 2-1, taking me to 4th. It would have gone 3-0 if I'd not listened to myself and cut 1x Curupira on the morning of the tournament for a third Tread Lightly - Hello was on rigshooter R+. I think I said out loud that morning "I don't think rigshooter will be a thing". Oh how wrong I was.

My Corp was Sisyphus RH, which also went 2-1.