The strage tracing thing

SlayerCNV 250

This deck is a fast advance. And see it, please. This is not a NEH. It's not a HB. This is a MN NBN. Why this id? Becouse this deck focuses on make the runner spend their turns just for run somewhere. Let the runner steals something and midseason him(not the only winning condition, anyway). U have no scorched, but he does no know this. U have no tag punishment because the tags only need for fast advance faster (with 2 choosen from biotic or sansan or psyco and 2 tags or astroscript u can draw and install advance advance for 1\2 credits). I've won some matches just installing jackson, draw 2, biotic, draw 2 install a 2\1 and astroed it on san san. U can do an amazing number of things with this deck. Enjoy!