Meat Boutique - 2nd Seed Cambridge Regionals

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Meat Boutique - Budapest 2015 Regionals Winner
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NEH Lunar Meat 1.0
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Veste 424

Thanks @Malvolio for the great deck inspiration.

This deck went 6-1 in Swiss and 1-1 in the Top 8 (73 total players). It was 3-0 against PPVP Kate in Swiss and then Jason handed it the first loss of the day (against Kate) in the first round of the Top 8. The split on kills to agenda wins was 4 kills 2 scores I believe. This deck is very versatile, and I was very happy I made the last minute decision to bring this over the very standard RP deck I had planned on bringing.

Notable mentions: Closed Accounts did work. Pop-up Window ended the run in a Top 8 game (must have been those creepy alt arts). Never used SanSan but it sure was trashed a bunch. Reclamation Order was the right choice for the two influence, Cortex Lock from the original list just didn't do any work for me, and Reclamation gave me the kill in at least one game. I would switch out the Lockdown for an Eli 1.0. Lockdown was more of a hilarity pick, I liked watching the runner see that after one or two Data Ravens and immediately check their card count. It never made the difference in a kill or not, so for that reason it is out, but was funny none the less.

Awesome deck to play, I loved having the very real threat of scoring out versus the kill. I would say the only weakness is not having the win in hand or soon after when a runner decides to go tag-me, as my only loss in Swiss was for that very reason.

Placed 5th overall due to runner loss but a great day against some great players!