Angels on Strike ๐Ÿ˜‡ 1-1 @ Racine CO

Baxder 68

Original here The only change I made was to swap the 2 Tithe for the Stavka/Winchester.

The loss was against Swift Sable which I kept mostly in check with Crisium and double-iced centrals. Still, the game went to time with me having drawn a grand total of one agenda, which the runner ripped on a 1-in-5 from HQ early. When it was over, the next one was still 4 down in R&D. I also had very few operations, so couldn't get through the deck with the ID. You aren't getting many Subliminals off against Sable.

Or Mercury, for that matter, where the win came from. They were just unlucky early, and the midgame saw another agenda drought. We went to time on their turn, with only an Atlas w/counter in my score area, 3-0. They stole 5 points, saying something about top-decking a Punitive as they spent their last click for a credit instead of drawing with 4 cards in hand. I top-decked a Punitive. Notably, they still finished 1st, and were the only player without a bye.


8 Apr 2024 Baxder

Original here The only change I made was to swap the 2 Tithe for the Stavka/Winchester.

1-1 at the Racine CO. The loss was against Swift Sable which I kept mostly in check with Crisium and double-iced centrals. Still, the game went to time with me having drawn a grand total of one agenda, which the runner ripped on a 1-in-5 from HQ early. When it was over, the next one was still 4 down in R&D. I also had very few operations, so couldn't get through the deck with the ID. You aren't getting many Subliminals off against Sable.

Or Mercury, for that matter, where the win came from. They were just unlucky early, and the midgame saw another agenda drought. We went to time on their turn, with only an Atlas w/counter in my score area, 3-0. They stole 5 points, saying something about top-decking a Punitive as they spent their last click for a credit instead of drawing with 4 cards in hand. I top-decked a Punitive.