Comfort Ari (3rd @ Summer Showdown)

arlekj 63

My Ari list for summer showdown which went 5-0 (3-0 swiss, 2-0 cut).

I didn't have a ton of time to refine a list leading up to this event, so I fell back on a list that I had played closer to the release of RwR, and added in some inspiration from lists by Ysengrin and cableCarnage. There's largely nothing special about this list, it has Ari's engine pieces and the "standard" end game breaker suite. Anticipating a higher than usual showing of yellow decks with the upcoming Bellona ban, and due to my general difficulty playing into R+, I slotted 2 NFL.

What the 5-0 record above doesn't tell you is that I faced 0 yellow asset decks. In fact, the only R+ I encountered was Wentagon's Holo Ops in the 3rd place match of the cut, which was a great match where I just barely squeaked out the win. I don't think this list is well-suited for asset matchups, so I was quite happy they stayed off my path.

Ultimately, Ari is a lot of fun to play, and while this list could use some improvements (more draw), it was a blast to pilot on the day.

This was a well organized tournament with a great stream and wonderful netrunner. My thanks to everyone involved.

22 May 2024 maninthemoon

Congrats on 3rd!! Thanks so much for playing! ❤️ Ari showed up as a force to be reckoned with this time! 🥳 🎱