[STARTUP] "Are you sure you want to play crim"

Ken “Express” Tenma Disappeared Clone

17 influence spent (max 17, available 0)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Rebellion Without Rehearsal
Too many copies of a limited card
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harmonbee 1077

Publishing for Always Be Running - this took me to fourth at Birmingham Summer Startup Tournament 4 (3.8 remix), which TheRealLap ran because I was busy. Thank you Lap! (even if you nicked a few of my jokes for the ABR entry lol)

Here is a conversation between krysdreavus and I, after we discussed Startup Criminal draw options.

krysdreavus saying "are you sure you want to play crim", followed by me saying "screenshotting this so if I come first I can put it in the decklist writeup"

I did not come first, and thus have been proven wrong.

This deck went 2-1, taking me to 4th. It would have gone 3-0 if I'd not listened to myself and cut 1x Curupira on the morning of the tournament for a third Tread Lightly - Hello was on rigshooter R+. I think I said out loud that morning "I don't think rigshooter will be a thing". Oh how wrong I was.

My Corp was Sisyphus RH, which also went 2-1.


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