🔥 Fresh Hell 🔥 1st 🥇 and Undefeated* at the Purge

AbyssStaresBack 82

If you missed it yesterday was the ‘Purge’ in off-meta month where you’re able to play with your favorite banned cards and some that should never left the writers room.

I could convince anyone to test out decks before the tournament so this was the first and only time for me to ever play SVA.

There are plenty of cards you can argue to not be banned based on what power level you want standard to be, but having a strong win condition without ever having to run makes SVA the most unhealthy runner card ever printed. Unlike most ‘run’ner decks, we don’t care where the agendas are and just look to flatline the corp. This deck hardly runs and never breaks ice, bankhar is for anyone brave enough to rez ice with subroutines and lets us threaten to steal any agenda trying to be scored on the table. Persephone if anyone wants to rez and sentry, but mostly because I wanted something I could use to burn credits to pop Dadiana without using a click.

Without titanium ribs we are less likely to get multiple giant SVAs in the same turn but with labor rights and ashen we can reset and do it again next turn.

The only real counter to this I can think of is having a bigger R&D, I dreamed up a 74 card Ob list that I thought might have enough time against this deck but ended up playing Mti Turbogenesis instead.

Unfortunately, this arcane card’s errata text is not implemented on jnet and it works by giving me a yes/no prompt to use after every instance of damage. The only time this mattered was during the finals on the last turn, the first time I breached archives all tournament it let me fire it after stealing an obokota and ripping 10 off R&D and immediately accessing them. Thankfully, this wouldn’t have effected the outcome of the game as I can win by running archives the following click but the asterisk still stands.

Played Mti for corp

Thanks to all my fearless opponents for playing great games, to aksu for streaming, and especially to KyraWNY for coming up with a great idea for some silly netrunner tournament and hosting it for us!