Bigger Seb - 13th EMEA CBI

eden_online 91

Fell severely out of love with Lat once Trick shot got banned - it was just too slow after tasting how universally effective the deck had been. I reasoned the meta was likely to see a resurgence of combo and asset decks now that a major source of early pressure was gone, particularly my beloved Facet Ob (I was absolutely correct on this count, less so on the combo), and tried picking up Freedom for the natural pressure he exerts on these archetypes. He was tons of fun, but I couldn't seem to convert that into wins with Paillu's or MITM's list.

Then I tried out Der Kaiser Sebastião and started winning and didn't stop winning! What a cool deck! There's nothing he can't do! Then I played a lover at AgInfusion and got so shitscared over how badly I lost (relying so much on successful run events that care about the server is very dicey into Ag) that I went and put like 8 more cards in the deck - Labor Rights to recycle Crews agnostic of Archives being open, Pinhole for flexibility, an extra Charm, and futzed with the influence a bit by swapping Scrubber for Miss Bones.

In CBI, I did myself proud in most of my matches. I'm particularly happy with a scrappy win I managed to grind out against RotomAppliance's shipment NEH. I sputtered out and died against Bridgeman's take on BtL on stream through falling for an obvious bait and then making a couple key poor decisions that snowballed, but I'm more just amazed at the audacity of that deckbuild so I'm happy with the result.

I think the deck was hindered significantly more than helped by adding so many cards to it - I was begging my deck to show me a Moshing or Price half the time, and I didn't even need the recursion for most of my wins. I'm very happy that Council then published their Not Big Seb so I'll be able to practice a Seb with a more consistent polished list for regionals.

Very happy to have got the opportunity to practice with so many people before CBI, and to have companionship inbetween the rounds with ESA, my testing group, of which Alice (pouchoflavender) did incredibly well in the EMEA pod and qualified for top cut. We're all rooting for you!

21 Jan 2025 pouchoflavender

<3 <3 <3

once all this cbi stuff is over, i'll have to go give seb a shot as well