Flip Flap

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PaxCecilia 294

Biotic Labor used to capitalize on the ID ability. If you choose to advance four times, you can either use Biotic to score a Nisei from hand or do "never advance" to score Nisei, or Biotic to score a Future Perfect.
If you choose to flip for two damage, you can Biotic and slam in some Neural EMP's as well.
And if you're facing Noise or other milling decks, you get a shuffle of your deck. Pretty sweet.

26 Mar 2015 PaxCecilia

Hmm, I think I made this too fast! Already I'm looking at it thinking -1 Kitsune, want to replace Sundew economy, and have Caprice Nisei in there somehow on the scoring server... (or centrals against Eater shenanigans!)

26 Mar 2015 EV Anarch

Also maybe make room for a Ronin or two? If they hit a snare or something the turn before you might be able to kill them.

26 Mar 2015 Toomin

I'm pretty excited about JB, and I agree that Biotic is a great way to go. I feel like the strength of this deck will really lie in being able to consistently threaten with all three possible flips, and then to take advantage of the hesitation that causes. Some thoughts:

  • Caprice feels pretty necessary if you're going to be playing the taxing long game against an ID that doesn't do as well late game, like Gabe. In this case you'd probably be playing The Tank
  • Speaking of taxing, what do you think about a shift slightly away from binary ice and towards taxing? Maybe like +3 Pup, -1 Quandary, -1 Bako, and -1 something else?
  • How do you feel Ronin would fit as a potential kill piece (with either The Brewery or The Greenhouse)
  • Genetic Resequencing only benefits Nisei MK II here. Options are including HoK in addition to Genetic Reequencing (but then your agenda density is probably too high) or just a straight swap. Option 2 feels better for now, at least until more support for Jinteki agenda counters comes out.

Really looking forward to seeing how this develops, keep up the good work PC! :)

*Oooooo ok just realised that you get a Braintrust counter from GR (maybe the first time BT has a counter on it in a game ever!), that works pretty well!!

27 Mar 2015 PaxCecilia

All of that is solid advice. I will certainly be revisiting this and playtesting it a bit once the ID releases (only a few weeks away I think!)

30 Mar 2015 PaxCecilia

A few more thoughts since I published this decklist:

  • Upcoming Valley Grid could potentially go in to further obfuscate which ID I selected. If they eat too many "minus 1 hand size", they could potentially get into kill range of Biotic Labor, Neural EMP and Jinteki Biotech: The Brewery... or I could just be making them think that's my plan, have them jack out to avoid death, and I quadruple advance my Nisei MK II :)
  • For taxing ice (rather than binary ice) Cortex Lock would be a great sentry that's even outside of Mimic breaking range. Only problem is late game it starts to stink a bit. It can always be installed over.
18 Apr 2015 blackcaps

Why 2 Gemini over other ice?

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