Batesian mimicry - 75% winrate, UNDEFEATED @ SHEFFIELD

mezzie 59

Self Growth Program

It often spells the end.

Self Growth Program,

Playing it won't make friends.

Yet all around the gamestore, I see no one wanting to own up to it. You all play your misery engines and yet, balk at the idea of being seen




I am above you.

I make no pretense.

I relish it.

The frustration, the torment,

the resentment, the betrayal.

"How could you play it? I'm just having fun!"

Fun was left when you signed up to play




Total breakers Self Growth'd across 20 games: 33

Winrate online: 75%- 6 losses- 18 wins

Undefeated at Sheffield

3 Mar 2025 eden_online

would you consider cutting 4 cards to more effectively mimic kill azmari?

3 Mar 2025 jan tuno

clap clap clap clap

22 Mar 2025 Council

This is the first NBN deck I genuinely love, amazing work

25 Mar 2025 AnOddRadish

Great showing with the deck, I likely won't be able to attend any major events before Elevation so I'm really glad someone really skilled was able to put up an amazing result with it!

Cutting the Starlit seems good IMO, it's nice for R&D lockout during a tagstorm but the $5 to rez without R+ discount is a pain. How was Beale > Degree Mill? There's a lot of options for that slot but I think Beale is definitely one of the top choices for it.

25 Mar 2025 mezzie

@eden_online cuts are really hard here! I really wish i could have done it but in the end, I felt like just playing good cards is better

@AnOddRadish my friend cobalt played absolutely out of her mind to take this deck undefeated at sheffield, winning sherrif of sherrifngham. i cut starlit because this deck is hard targetting anarchs, and it extremely is vulnerable to a naked arruaceiras crew, which goes against the idea of the counter pick. I think this deck is extremely vulnerable to do nothing shapers.

Degree mill > Beale was a very required choice because I wanted to threaten winning on 3 agenda scores, and playing unfair by requiring 4 steals. Degree mill was a liability against deep dive decks as well, where stealing a degree mill at any point just increased their chances of winning by a huge factor, either from a remote or in deep dive.

Wraparound, magnet, and mavirus are all tech cards, and you can feel free to move the slots around.