Oops All Identities Leela

Leela Patel Trained Pragmatist

15 influence spent (max 15, available 0)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Automata Initiative
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Event (20)
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Resource (9)
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Code Gate ()
Icebreaker (5)
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Program (1)
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Deck valid after Third Rotation
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solemn_storm 344

Oops, All Identities is a format using the standard banlist, but all rotated IDs are also legal, minus PU and Skorp for this event on 3/16 in Denver.

At first I really wanted to play Andy or ice destruction Null, but after getting some inspiration from the maddest I've ever been at a netrunner event (shoutouts rongydoge), I put this together. To my great concern, it was pretty functional in testing, so I decided last minute to run with it and had a great time.