Run Express

SeIverin 3149

Warsaw store #1

23 Feb 2016 D4KEN

@SeIverin plain simple deck, i like it

23 Feb 2016 Argamas

I like it, well played! I wonder, why no Inside Job?

23 Feb 2016 sruman

Congrats Selverin. Been awhile since I've seen an SC winner deck with no draw cards. Did you find this to be a problem on the day? Would you consider swapping notoriety for Quality Time?

23 Feb 2016 SeIverin

@Argamas I was playing inside job before but i saw that i dont rly need it.

@sruman If you look at my deck from world you can see that i had quality time. But after MWL i was forced to cut ppvp and quality time is not so effective without it.

24 Feb 2016 futureguy

Hi Selverin, well done of the SC win.

I took your Worlds deck as inspiration to build a Ken deck that won a small GNK and I have make my own change it to it post-Kala Ghoda. A few questions for you :)

1) You have already discussed your reasoning behind dropping Quality Time. Did you find that Notoriety was worth a deck slot over a single Quality Time?

2) You have chosen Zu.13 as your decoder for +2 influence. Did you find this THAT much better than Cerberus? For me this must have been a tough decision as PPvP and Desperado were both threatened by MWL in your old build.

3) Did you ever miss Garotte or did Mongoose and Faerie do the job?

4) Do you feel this version suffered from card draw (especially getting out the breaker suite) compared to the Worlds version?

5) I have not been able to test High-Stakes Job yet. Did you find there were plenty of opportunities to play it?

6) Would you make any changes to the deck post tournament?

7) Last but not least!!! My wife is Polish (from Krakow) - when is Polish nationals this year? Also, are there any players from Krakow?


24 Feb 2016 SeIverin

@futureguy 1. QT is good card but not necessary, just for speeding deck for 1-2 clicks over normal draw. But notoriety is more essential now when corps play gfi over normal 5/3 and its easier to score notoriety than searching for 4th agenda in late game. This is the change i made after worlds.

  1. Zu is better than cerberus in every way. And now i need to install 1 code gate breaker instead of 2. I found influence by cutting lucky find which I could do thanks to better economy since high stakes job.

  2. Mongoose is best standard sentry breaker now. Much cheaper than garote. And breaking is also cheap bcs of breking 2 subs for 1 credit. Pup for 1, komainu for 2, even assassin not so scary 5 (ff was 8).

  3. I need to click more for draw but i don't find the deck to be slower. Better breakers and high stakes job compensate it. I think it's now even better than before mwl.

  4. Yes it's great card. Very rare is situation where you don't have where to play it. It's like bigger dirty lundry. But playing it require bigger caution.

  5. I think it's optimal now. For future cards i would cobsider political operative and this event limited 6 per deck.

  6. Yes, the polish girls are best :p Netrunner community in Kraków is not so big as in Warsaw but you can probably find some players. Nothing official yet but Polish national will be probably like last 2 years in Warsaw in last weekend of August. You are very welcome to come :)

24 Feb 2016 Mtgred

You don't like Inside Job in this deck ?

24 Feb 2016 Argamas

@Mtgred The question is what to cut... What would you do?

24 Feb 2016 saracenus

@SeIverin Great deck! Now that Jen's World Champ card CBI has been spoiled for Business First, do you see that card in your deck's future? I definitely see it in my [Gabe]("Perfume Shop") deck.

24 Feb 2016 SeIverin

@Mtgred I was playing with inside job earlier but i cut it. I wasn't using it very often. I'm trying to put breakers asap because i need them for centrals anyway and breakers+so are 25% of this deck. And if i have breakers on table bypassing some enigma or wraparound is not great deal.

``@saracenus` I don't think so. This card is stoping the game also for runner and you don't have where to search for agendas. Playing event and run on hq costs some money and after next turn corp can draw cards and you have same situation as before. This card will be decent only in keyhole decks.

25 Feb 2016 ItJustGotRielle

@SeIverin Really enjoy the deck! I was trying to build my own and stumbled across this, it's better :) Question though! Whizzard and Noise are making a lot of players switch to either ETF glacier (1 Caprice) or NEH FA- how does this deck handle ETF when it has Zu.13 as a decoder against Turings? Would you drop a Lucky Find to play Gordian and a 3rd Desperado if you had ETF heavy meta?

25 Feb 2016 SeIverin

@ItJustGotRielle If caprice is on remote just ignore that server. Fighting with caprice is just waste of money. It's better to focus centrals and steal agendas before corp can install them.

25 Feb 2016 aero

As far as card draw goes do you think 2x John Masanori could fit in this deck or is it unnecessary? It seems that you are running a lot, and being able to draw from running is nice.

25 Feb 2016 SeIverin

Also I'm collecting tags so it won't live long.

26 Feb 2016 Elodius

love this deck !

Resistors on strength 16 and paying 4 to beat the trace are nice ! Keegan Lane on HQ is a problem though...

Also Notoriety is the new Stimhack, it wins games !

26 Feb 2016 Chuftbot

I love this deck so much. It's everything I've been trying to get Ken to do and then some. You're an ace, Sel.

2 Mar 2016 Lorgar

After testing your deck I saw that the Notoriety is awesome, especially in an environment with Fastro and Foodcourts which bases on 2-point agendas. Nevertheless I want to ask, what do you thing of replacing it with a current, a Employee Strike or later the new Corporate Scandal. Corporate Scandal plus Desperado really helps againt asset spam decks.

The deck really doesn't need card draw because you can draw for clicks immediately use these cards. But have you tested Fisk Investment Seminar as a tool of control when the corp begins to advance an agenda in a remote or if you want to see new cards for a second The Maker`s Eye?

3 Mar 2016 SeIverin

@Lorgar The currents are not needed. Employee Strike - no corp ID so important to spend inf for it. Corporate Scandal- it costs 3 so using the BP only for economy is not big deal. I was playing Fisks seminar before but i found that there is too many situation where i have this card on hand and i don't want to play it bcs it will help more the corp. Deck has bigger consistency without it.

3 Mar 2016 krystman

Gonna try this today. Looks solid.

What would be your strategy against Haarp kill with only 1-pointers. That deck has gotten really popular recently. 3 Plascrete will help with not dying. But floating tags means the Kitties will go to the corp.

3 Mar 2016 SeIverin

Mulligan for plascrete, take tags from the start and try R&D lock.

3 Mar 2016 krystman

Really fun deck! Had a blast today. Haarp match-up is indeed pretty good simply due to 3 Plascretes.

I was struggling a bit against a horizontal Gagarin. I had to leave most assets alone and tried to concentrate on centrals. Is that the idea?

4 Mar 2016 SeIverin

Yes, run the remotes only if you have better situation.

4 Mar 2016 voltorocks

Just wanted to comment that I love this list. Been struggling to build "good stuff high-stakes tenma" in a consistent way. Eschewing draw entirely seems dangerous at first glance, but turns out it's actually pretty inspired deck building. The density of quality draws is insanely high and you almost always find something that will work when you draw.

Currently running -3 The Maker's Eye -1 Easy Mark +2 Medium +2 Inside Job, leftovers of the good parts of my own previous builds. The synergy between medium and hsj, DL, an IJ is very powerful, and often causes the Corp to split their ice dangerously between rnd, HQ, and remote, becoming vulnerable to siphons/ij's, etc.

17 Mar 2016 JohnnyMilton

This is dope.

7 Apr 2016 D4KEN

@SeIverin what are your thoughts about this change -1 High-Stakes Job, -1 Easy Mark +2 Drive By to get rid of Caprice Nisei / Marcus Batty in the Palana Meta or to ditch SanSan City Grid?

8 Apr 2016 voltorocks

seems solid, though I'd personally probably try Political Operative. Though you can't sit on it like some runners b/c of floating tags, it has some extra utility by allowing you to trash rezzed asset econ and the like (already it seems like people are learning to pre-rez critical pieces to dodge the drive by - at least in my area :D)