Seamless Pravlad (Startup) 💸 [1st/4-0 Denver Startup GNK]

lukifer 1265

shut up and lose your money

Been loving this deck. MVP is of course Mestnichestvo, which the runner will courteously re-advance for you after they pass through. Primary win-con is the Vlad Grid, and again, you usually won't have to advance it yourself. Seamless is occasionally used for an honest score off the table, but is primarily there to use on an unadvanced Grid, to score Beale from hand.

Subliminal Messaging is free value if/when the runner denies your trigger by not running; and it's also tech against an Esa-heavy Colorado meta, where I save it to pitch to sabo, and hopefully pick it up again later.

B-1001 was a last minute include (replacing 2nd DBS), and I'm liking it in the list overall, more a speedbump than a win-con as such. In a pinch, it can even sit on top of your Vlad Grid to guard it (and block impactful central runs) until you're ready to score out.

I go back and forth between 2x FOI vs 2x Cryptocrash; with B-1001 in the deck to deter floating tags, I think I lean Cryptocrash at this point.

11 Oct 2023 Baa Ram Twu

"In a pinch, it can even sit on top of your Vlad Grid to guard it" Quick note that B1001 cannot protect it's own server!

I think i would also lean on crypto crashes here over FOI - Unless you found some slots for Oppo Research (which could be very playable with the 'must trash' Vlad grids)

12 Oct 2023 Jai

Played the hell outta this archetype pre-Startup rotation, good to see it's being doing so well even after losing pieces like Akhet, Bellona, even NAPD Cordon...

How is the econ in the deck without Ubiquitous Vig?