Forced Errors [Worlds 2024 1st place]

aruzan 695

My own take on an R+ kill archetype popularized by Tuno and Lif3Line I had a bunch of practice on Tuno's list, and had slowly been working on my own take on it, but it just wasn't quite good enough at creating forced errors for the opponents that went slow and steady and just played not to lose. I was slowly morphing it into something a bit different with Beale instead of orbital, and Lady Liberty for more of a score out plan. At the least minute I found the version from Lif3line, which came to a lot of the same conclusions I had, but took them to their natural conclusions. This final deck is only 3 cards off their version, running -1 gaslight, +1 lady liberty, -1 attitude adjustment + 1 sprint, and -1 ydl for +1 plannogram. I couldn't do better than their original write up, for the deck, so check out their very detailed breakdown of the game plan. The one thing I would note is that lady liberty was very good in this deck in the right situations and seems like an obvious choice for this style of deck. Even if you just get to use it once to score a false lead, that's still only 2 credits extra vs installed and scoring it instead, and it forces them to go trash it for 4 credit swing the other way, and opening them up to oppo. Sometimes you can even mold the situation to incentive them to run HQ and try and clear agendas instead and set that trap up for when you have beholds in hand. This plays like a combo deck, where you try and get enough pieces in place so that you create forks, where the runner simply takes more tags in a turn then they can clear. Either through saving the rez on ping / unsmiling / amaze, all to be used on the same turn in the remote, or just scoring a false lead and killing them with a big oppo + the forfeit. Don't think of this as a pure shell game deck where you are just asking them to call the bluffs or not, but rather a deck that can set up situations where there is no right answer and you can create a forced error where they have to chose between multiple losing lines, unless they are always thinking multiple turns ahead to prevent from being put in checkmate.

22 Nov 2024 lif3line

Amazing Netrunnering! I'd 100% take this version now after having tried Lady Liberty at the UK Nats Crown of Servers.

One spicy thing I've tried is Orbital Superiority -> Kingmaking for another sneaky way to score False Lead without actually risking the False Lead itself.

23 Nov 2024 jan tuno
