Happy Wheels

StackVandal 42

I wanted to play Seb because he was new and I wanted to see what I could do with him. My favourite runners to play are criminals and I haven’t really enjoyed anarch decks as much. Obviously Hosikio is very strong but I found it hard to keep on top of everything she has going on at the same time. This Seb deck feels a lot more straightforward.

I use Miss Bones and Scrubber to trash cards and charge my Audrey v2 and Solidarity Badge.

Against corps that give me tags I can then use solidarity badge and Friend of a Friend to get rid of tags and Valentina Ferreira Carvalho to profit from doing so. Which in late game can also remove tags.

If I have no tags and then get a tag I trigger Seb’s ability to install one of my many resource connections I have. The most vital one for winning the game is Manuel Lattes de Moura for additional card access. And ending the turn tagged I can then use Amanuensis for card draw.

I also try to either have 1 or no tags depending on circumstances. Against corps that aren’t giving me tags, I can give myself tags with Hot Pursuit, Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra and Arruaceiras Crew.

Hot pursuit it such a good source of money I hardly ever used my other cards. But Strike Fund is a great source in a pinch. Ordinarily The Artist is too expensive but with Seb’s ability, paying two credits for it really pays off. And this deck doesn’t tend to need much money since it has trash money and Audrey.

Against decks that don’t have a lot of trash cards, this deck isn’t very strong. I think there’s a lot of tweaks that could be made. I wasn’t ever able to pull off The Wizard’s Chest either.

I did however win a few games in competition with this deck and every other game was close. It felt like a smooth play that was very different based on what I drew and what the corp was doing. I’m still new to deck building and not the most experienced player but I had a lot of fun.