Irish Hayley

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JohnnyMilton 1052

Hayley has a lot of spare clicks. What are we going to do with them? Make some honest-to-goodness UN certified creds.

Magnum Opus on Leprechaun (or Djinn) is your econ engine. An ideal opening hand sets this up, or gets you closer to having this set up. This could be an SMC and a Clone Chip.

We have lots of off turn install options to facilitate making the full use of her ability, via Street Peddler, DaVinci, SMC and Clone Chip. Bookmark can be trashed to bring cards back into hand to install out of turn, which I think is pretty neat.

The breakers and some of those utility programs are interchangeable. The conceit here is that cheap installs are often ideal, so we're packing Sucker support for low strength breakers and, given our many programs, having a Djinn and a Parasite is classy, I think.

Paricia and Clot are here for NEH Team Sponsorship FA decks. I previously have had two Paricias in the deck but have never had both in play.

Film Critic naturally goes nicely with your abundance of clicks. Hyperdriver is an easy pick given we're packing Leprechaun. I daydream about swapping out that Paricia for another. 14 credit turns are nice. The flexibility is even nicer and installing one of these out of turn always feels elegant.

Bookmark is also there for overdraw and it's nice damage protection. It stops Government Takeover Punitive Counterstrikes better (or at least cheaper) than anything else, I would argue.

Daily Casts is nice and clickless, as is Drug Dealer. We're going to want to draw a lot so Symmetrical Visage, Peddlers and Diesel round us out nicely. Astrolabe sometimes does work, and I've contemplated slotting a single Collective Consciousness for the looks it gets.

Go fast, make money, get in and terrify people you meet with the biggest board of cards they've ever seen.