Straight to Business Chaos v0.2

Roz 15

The goal is to have a fast deck with a simple but effective rig. Had a few wins and losses with v0.1 and changed a few things based on those games. Still not what I would call a solid list, but it'll get there eventually.

Changelog from v0.1

-3 Diesel +3 Quality Time; needed more draw and speed. Usually don't have to discard that much, since I can use a Modded to install anything, getting rid of two cards.

-3 Dirty Laundry +1 Magnum Opus; having an Opus installed and a Laundry in hand was awkard and clumsy. Trying the list without it to see if I can keep up.

-2 Legwork -1 Indexing; will keep one-ofs for the snipes and SOT if needed.

+1 Mimic +2 Tinkering; needed some Sentry breaking power for early game, as Femme is the trickier breaker to install. Tutoring Mimic on Dinosaurus makes things easier and Tinkering enables early Siphons.

+1 Emergency Shutdown +1 Same Old Thing; More event one-ofs, more event recursion.

-1 RDI +1 Hades Shard; because I love the shard and almost never had two RDI installed.


Fast rig setup with Quality Time, Test Run and Self-modifying Code. Dinosaurus should host Mimic or Femme Fatale to make it cheaper to break sentries, but it can host the other breakers if the situation calls for it. Scavenge is there to recycle Cerberus "Lady" H1 and to redirect the Femme target. Can also be used to permanently install her for free, after a Test Run. Mimic is the early killer, to enable cheap and easy runs. Femme should eventually replace it later.

Mulligan for Magnum Opus or somekind of tutor. It's the most valuable card of the deck. The rig should be completed by the start of the 6th turn almost everytime.


Like I said, Opus is the main engine of our game. We should set it up as early as possible and click away for the rig building and then to power runs. Use Modded whenever possible. Sure Gamble is kind of good as well. It's all very straightforward.


R&D lock with Indexing and R&D Interface and HQ pressure with Legwork. Account Siphon to deny the corp scoring windows and buy us some time to build economy and keep accessing R&D. Tinkering will enable early aggression/siphon runs.

One of the things I felt I needed more, was ways to deal with big ICE. The Femme redirection works, but it can get clumsy and expensive. Emergency Shutdown is there to make sure they can't rez that huge ICE without going broke.

Same Old Thing will recur all these juicy events.

Finally, Hades Shard should be paid for in order to snipe the Archives.

No meat/net damage prevention worries me a bit.