Twin Peaks v0.1 (Beta)

Snake Eyes 4651

IMDB synopsis of Twin Peaks: An idiosyncratic FBI agent investigates the murder of a young woman in the even more idiosyncratic town of Twin Peaks.

NRDB synopsis of Twin Peaks: A runner investigates the flatline of a young cyborg in the secret moon base of Twin Peaks.

The Twins and The Foundry: Refining the Process have a great synergy with one another. The Twins only works if you have a spare copy of the ICE in your hand to trash. The Foundry: Refining the Process's ability and a high consistency of ICE can guarantee that.

Peak Efficiency is strong in The Foundry: Refining the Process because of how much cheap ICE you're rezzing all game. Odds are this card will be hitting for 9 credits come midgame. If you're stuck with it early - not the worst card to be forced to discard. Executive Boot Camp will help you speed up the efficiency of Peak Efficiency though.

Executive Boot Camp allows you to rez your cheap NEXT ICE or Eli 1.0s for cheap, bounce another one back into hand, and get your NEXT fortress going on, and helps you deal with the soon-to-come Blackmail decks.

Swordsman was a late addition after I saw I had 1 influence left, basically in fear of the 4 strength Atman, my meta's Overmind popularity, and of potential Eater decks that will be coming out the same time as The Twins. I went down from 3 to 2 The Twins to get more consistency with Swordsman - but I might tinker with that pending playtesting.

I chose Tsurugi as a splash over other punishing sentries since it keeps being taxing all game long at around 4 credits to break. The potential for a flatline is real with The Twins in play.

NAPD Contract is being avoided because of the Valencia(sp?) decks that will be coming out around that time. Because of that, I figured I should bask in the bad publicity and use Grim, replacing Ichi 1.0 with it. The prospect of guarding a The Twins scoring server with an unrezzed copy of it, and a solid piece of ETR ICE behind it is niiice.

I haven't actually ever used Bifrost Array in a deck yet, but I feel safe with it in The Foundry: Refining the Process with 18 pieces of ICE, due to The Foundry: Refining the Process's amazing synergy with Jackson Howardless Accelerated Beta Testing. I'd definitely love to max out the possibility of initiating ABTs in this deck. Whether Gila Hands Arcology, (one) Director Haas' Pet Project, or my favourite 1:3, Chronos Project, would be better slotted here, I don't know yet.

Worth consideration: Architect. Since there are so many trashable assets and parasite bait ICE in this deck, it'd be nice to fire some stuff back onto the field clicklessly. I feel as though with 8 Sentries out of 18 ICE though, that the runner is going to be pressured early into getting their Mimic out anyway, so the odds of them triggering aren't great.

Also worth consideration: Going Grail with The Twins is a fantastic idea, since Grail ICE maintains the 2 extra subs for the remainder of the run.. So when they encounter it again, you can potentially add another 2 subs to the piece of ICE, making it have 5 subs in total. This effect will probably mess up some runners' math the first couple of times it happens and could potentially result in a Merlin flatline, or Lancelot rig destruction. I've attempted Grail ICE in The Foundry: Refining the Process with mixed results, bordering on unfavourable, before - so I'm waiting out before I see if I want to try it again. The combo with The Twins might be enough to push me over the edge here, time will tell!

4 Dec 2014 Oisin

I've had the same issues with Architect in my HB deck. Unless it gets face checked early (when I probably don't have anything in archives), then it never goes off--I end up paying for credits to tax them two every run.

4 Dec 2014 Oisin

One other question--I'm surprised to see 3 Grim in an HB deck. Any reason you aren't playing Sagittarius?

4 Dec 2014 Snake Eyes

@Oisin that's a valid question, and honestly the only answer I have at this point is that I haven't even sleeved a Sagittarius yet, so the thought of using it as a hard just hasn't struck me. Let's mull that over right now... making that change would have the following impacts:

  • Pro: Out of D4v1d range. (D4v1d will probably be seen a lot more frequently when Order and Chaos drops)
  • Pro: No Bad Publicity.
  • Pro: The potential to take out 2 programs if the Runner facechecks while I have a lot more money than him.
  • Con: Probably costs 3 credits to do anything every time. (Is the economy there for it? I don't know. This isn't Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future, so I'm skeptical about the money being there to fire this off consistently)
  • Con: Atman 4.
  • Con: Is Ichi 1.0 strictly better? (3 subs)

The list I put down makes me think that Grim will probably be better in more situations than Sagittarius would be, mainly for the money reason, but that Sagittarius is certainly worth some consideration. When The Twins comes out I'll try a version using Sagittarius alongside Grim and see what works better.

Thanks for the feedback. Good food for thought!

4 Dec 2014 TheRyanBurke

I'd never need to pay the extra credit to ETR

@Snake Eyes, this is worded opposite of how Tsurugi works. Corp pays 1c to fire net damage or else the run ends.

5 Dec 2014 Snake Eyes

Hm, right you are.

TBH I've never played with Tsurugi, but I know that it's effect would be welcomed in this deck.

Welp, edited.