This is essentially the control MaxX list that's been floating out there. The main change was to replace Peddlers with I've Had Worse. I was struggling to find a runner deck I was excited to play and had never played MaxX before. After playing this deck for a few weeks now, boy do I ever get why people like her. With the conspiracy breakers she's absolutely bonkers right now.
Beware of where your Levys are and whether or not you have any SoT if the Levys happen to hit the bin.
No Skorpios or PU at the tournament so things went relatively well, especially in the cut. Losses coming to FA Titan, where the cards didn't come up well and my opponent was able to rush me out as well as a 24/7 Armed Argus deck. Pro tip, don't stimhack against a deck you think might be trying to Intimidate you. Wins coming against: Jinja Titan x2, BoN Government Takeover, and the earlier Titan FA deck. This deck has game against most decks with I've Had Worse and Citadel Sanctuary against meat damage decks, Maw against combo, Stimhack and Data Folding against glacier, Hacktivist against assets and DDM + Legwork to close out games.