Hayley's BFF

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UminWolf 93

This deck looks crazy, I know. I built an earlier version as a joke within my play group (we like some janky sh*t). But after I played with it once, we made some quick changes, and it became really strong. This is the revised version to come down from 49 cards to 46. If you aren't too worried about Wraparound, you can easily drop the Inti to make it 45 cards. The other easiest thing to cut would be a Test Run, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Why Paige?

This is just the Overmind on London Library with Autoscripter combo, with a Mimic for any Swordsman. The twist is obviously Paige Piper.

I went down this path because I've seen a lot of OM + Library + Scripter decks, that are running 3 Scripters, which is eats up 9 influence, and you can only ever use 1. Some were even doing 3 Replicators, which is fine, but with Hayley, you really only need 1, and that's also 2 card slots. Since I only wanted 1 of each of these, and truthfully, only 1 of my console, I decided to put in Observatory, which would let me grab any of these, plus any piece of hardware I needed to get the combo strong (LLDS Processor does sooo much work), and it saves me card slots/influence. My previous experiences with Hayley have shown me that I absolutely want ProCon in with her as well.

With all of these cards that I really only want to see 1, but need to run 3 (London Library, Tyson Observatory, and Professional Contacts), I decided that I would go full "Jank" and throw in Paige Piper. Which meant that my main money source had to be MOpus, because you've got to make full use of Paige.

We were shocked at how strong this was! Once you get a Paige on the board, your board state comes together lightning quick. About the only thing that can slow you down is not getting an Overmind early enough, hence the Test Runs. Once it's set up, you never need to draw another card, you just run and MOpus.


The deck itself is not very fast when compared to aggressive run decks, so fast advance might be able to score out a couple of points on 1 ICE deep server before you're set up to run. If they happen to be riding the AstroTrain, you're under a lot of pressure to run R&D, so hopefully the RDIs do some work.

London Library is the meat of the combo, so if you get tagged and they blow it up, you can be out of luck, especially if you Pipered away the remaining 2. You can fight this with Magnum Opus, but if you get too aggressive against a deck that is running SEA Source, you could just end up losing.

Final Thoughts

I'm not sure if this deck is competitive, but I do know that it's a lot of fun to play. It performs well against most glacier style decks, and the econ it provides is usually enough to trash any happy shell game player's assets. It's also janky enough that most people have no idea what you're doing until it's done.

PS: Be prepared to shuffle


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