The Cartographer's Dilemma v0.1

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WardOfTheWoods 711

I think Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping is the perfect ID for Blacklist/Power Shutdown combos. This deck is super rough right now, but has all the trademarks of what I'd like to accomplish with it. Data Mine lets you get rid of breakers from the Runner's hand mid-run along with any scored House of Knives you may have. On the Corp turn, you have Neural EMP to toss more breakers or the dreaded Parasite. Once you've reasonably trashed the Runner's breakers, start scoring those agendas like a bat out of hell.

5 Aug 2015 HollowsHeart

If this deck is based around starving the runner of breakers, shouldn't it have more than 3 Hard-End the Run Ice?

5 Aug 2015 WardOfTheWoods

@HollowsHeart Like I said, it's a rough alpha build. This is my first Power Shutdown deck so I wasn't sure how much ETR to have. I'll probably put Wall of Thorns in over Eli, maybe Himitsu Bako. The 4 influence left after Shutdown/Jackson/Blacklist is pretty fluid at this point and subject to change.

6 Aug 2015 LynxMegaCorp

I think you can lose the Celeb Fundraisers, Mamba, and Ashigaru for Shock!s or Snares!. Being able to guarantee your ability simply because the Runner wants access is great. There are plenty of possibilities with this ID; Wisp and Cortex Lock... Might have to publish my own iteration now!

6 Aug 2015 bubbathegoat

I agree with @HollowsHeartthat you need more hard ETR ICE. You probably don't want the Bioroid ICE since a runner will click through those with no barrier breaker to get to blacklist. Since you're spending influence, Ice Wall is probably a much better fit, since it is cheap and its strength can be changed to get around Atman.

I think overall your ICE is a little too expensive to rez. Ashigaru is great fun when you have it rezzed, but it is very expensive to get out. You may want some cheaper sentries, I think Cortex Lock could be promising for an early net damage surprise, which I think is where your focus is, since your ID ability is to snipe out breakers.

I like the Celebrity Gift with this ID and net damage ops and ICE. It gives you an opportunity to show the runner what they might be hitting on a face-down card, or even the near guarantee of a net damage from a Neural EMP if they run at all. Making the runner afraid of running is a cornerstone of the Jinteki game.

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