Ocean’s four - 3/1 at Italian KOS 2020

Drager 305

On the verge of a national pandemic alarm for Italy, we gathered for the national KOS (IKOS 2020). I was part of the last-placed team (Mystic Maedunnina) but my decks were quite successful.

The Corp (Sportsmetal) went 2-2 (decklist here) , the Runner (Leela) went 3-1 with the only loss being a timed one because a Project Vacheron unloaded the second-to last token in my last turn. If this happened a turn earlier I would've won.

Here to present to you the "ABCD" in "Ocean's 4":

These 4 ladies deck can go either aggressive wait for the corp to do something, Bounce, Make ton of money and then strike!

kati and then go!

If the money is high enough tho, the Corp is not happy of landing that Hard-Hitting News. The fun part starts when the corp leaves one server open.. when the girls are all set up, this is the plan:

  • Security Testing pointed on that server
  • Click 1: Run on that server! Make that sweet sweet Paragon magic happen. See the top card. If it's not junk, keep it on top! You have a Piggy installed too? GOOD FOR YOU!
  • Click 2: Now concentrate: remember the top deck? Do you? Now, let May divine your future: It's kinda easy when you know exactly what's in store for you! Take that card, and take that 2 credits as well!
  • Click 3:Do whatever! Install a breaker, run a central or a remote! We have money, we don't care!
  • Click 4:Tell The Pilot that you need some other money!

Best in the business!

I hear you! I hear you!

"But Drager! If I don't like the card? And If I liked it, the corp knows EXACTLY what I'm drawing!"

We forgot someone and the fact that Andy and May are a great tag team.

Let the Oracle speak, reveal the card and then draw it. oh-- you are drawing? Andromeda comes out of the corner for the hot tag! She let you look to another card AND THEN decide wich one to keep. The corp won't know exactly what card you are drawing! AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!

2card play

Other notable plays:

  • Boomerang + Diversion of Funds is 10 cred difference turn 1, if you want
  • MVP of the Deck is RDI. What's that? Criminal likes to run HQ and not R&D? Sure, why not, but if you have money installing a single RDI and running a single iced R&D is PAINFULL. I closed a lot of games with 1-2 RDI and unloading all my counters on The Wheel. Also this means if they threat a remote score, you can go hard on R&D, Steal something, bounce the Agenda back in hand. And when this happens...

2card play

On to the report!

  • Match 1: vs Joke [DIO RUN] 's Sportsmetal(Timed Win) This was a second match after a long first match. I was in control for the majority of the match, I stopped at 6 point with 3 agendas (1 Vacheron stolen turn 3, 1 Vitruvius + 1 Megaprix). The SecTesting-Paragon-May combo was doing WONDERS for me (5 cred + 1 card in 2 clicks). The RDI was doing the heavy lifting. In the last turn, with only 3 agenda stolen, Joke could not close with Game Changer (he had to score 4 points, can only score 3).

  • Match 2: vs Cetti [Day Job - But was in the no-bye table]'s Asa (Timed Loss) Almost the same match (and same match-up) from earlier. In control with Kati and Paragon-May combo, I stole (like I said) the Vacheron too late in the matchup. When time was called, my opponent finished his turn with 4 point. Removed of the second-to-last token from Vacheroon with a "nooooooo". I was at 2 + Vacheron, I ran R&D and found another point, that wasn't enough for winning here.

  • Match 3: vs Mikael [Day Job]'s GameNET(W) Again another convincing win with this deck. He was going quite fast, but he left an uniced Daily Quest. It became my Magnum Opus, giving me 2 cred a turn + the credit from Paragon. The last few turn I had Kati out but never load her once. R&D Interface with an open R&D for the first few turns and some other targeted runs did the trick for me.

  • Match 4: vs Porkobolo [Cool Pidgeon Blessed in a Little Castle]'s Azmari EdTech (W) It was hard. Azmari threat of Hard-Hitting News was alive all match. Leela here worked wonders: when he was close to game point, he Focus Grouped me but failed, resulting in only 1 advancement. Wasn't sure if that was the winning agenda (he was at 4), I ran R&D. My teammate (thanks Francesco for the Psychological support) said "if you think that is an agenda, run the remote!" (even if it was a 3 pointer, i would have not won). I persevered on R&D with a double access. Found a Project Beale, triggered Leela, bounce the card from the remote back to hand. Next turn he Install-advanced-advanced in the remote. Francesco reassured me that that was the time to strike! I was low on credit. The old SecTesting-Paragon-May 2 click-1 card combo gave me 5 cred. 3rd click I Stimhacked the remote (lucky for me, the only Stimhack in the deck, but Azmari's 2xPersonalized Portal and 1x Pālanā Agroplex made me draw 2-3 card a turn) and stole the Bellona thanks to the money from stimhack and the previus 2 clicks. Hard match, Claudio is a great player, a great organizer and a wonderful friend!

Shout-out to my teammates: Francesco, Valeria, Alessandro; guys, we will do better as a team next year!

a biiig Shout-out to @Atien and @Porkobolo:

  • They arranged the venue, and the food during the tournament (it's almost a meme that the Italian tournaments are a food and wine festival with some Netrunner on the side) always with some "extra" (those "frittelle" were out of this word!)
  • They never gave up when there was some teams that faced last minute withdrawal and/or sickness
  • @Atien invented the "no-bye" system that put the bottom 3-team in a sort of "triple threat match" (2 from team A vs 2 From team B, 2 from team B vs 2 from team C, 2 from team C vs 2 from team A) - as the last team we needed it!
  • They kept the score, a tough task considering the no-buy table
  • They arrange dinner for 25+ people
  • They prepared the draft side event in day 2

Was this the last event in Italy before the Coronavirus takes over?