Criminal: Duplicatiing the Apocalypse

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Modified Notorious Daily Quester (Chicago Regionals 2014)
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EnjoiThePureTrip 57

I started off with the Chicago Silhouette deck and attempted to fit in Apocalypse. Ultimately, I think it's better out of another runner, because the expose effect isn't very helpful when you're just going to blow everything up. I'd like to fit in some Maker's Eyes, but I don't really want to cut the Lucky Finds to do it.

19 Aug 2015 Inermis

Great Idea. I switched few cards, and blasted 2x HB on octgn. :)

19 Aug 2015 EnjoiThePureTrip

Awesome! Glad you like it. Can I ask what you switched, and is there anything else you'd tweak after testing it?

20 Aug 2015 Inermis

Doopleganger -> Desperado
Notoriety -> Makers Eye
QT -> Drug Dealer

I rather run alot and make corp to rez as much ice, ten do Apocalypse to reset the board state :) Desperado helps me make pressure at the same time building credit pool. Doopleganger works good with Notoriety, so basically I cut both of them, because I am not a fan ;)

Today win two more games at local game store. Vs HB FA and vs RP. :) I included also Muertos for testing, but it worked only in one game, in all other games I wanted it to be Emergency Shutdown.

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