
lukevanryn 307

This episode of Bluey is called 'Nets'. alt text

I have been playing Netrunner for 10 years, and a Dad for almost 4 years. I don't have a lot of time to play Netrunner but always enjoy going to events when I can.

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Ahead of Australian Nationals (south) I had been playing Crew Hosh and making eyes at Tree Ari. Then NSG went and banned World Tree (bless them). At pub runner (with the eventual champion no less) Crew Host felt fragile so it was time to pivot back to my big blue guy. alt text

I took Chouxflower's recent 419 primer and adapted it for my own basic purposes. Falsifieds and Bands came out to make way for Carpe Diem and Diesel. Inspired by the wisdom of CTZ, Slow recursion (HART) became fast recursion (Katorga Breakout). That's better

The deck beat PE. alt text

The deck ripped the right agendas against Sports. alt text

And lost to punitive RH.

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My face when I'm 3rd in Swiss: alt text

In the cut I played ADTPD against 2 Esas and lost both for a quick exit from the cut in 7th place. alt text

It was great to catch up over the weekend. Thanks to Kror, Scarius, Sarah and HaverOfFun for hosting and everyone who came. Extra special thanks to all the parents, carers and partners who do everything else while we nerds play this amazing game. alt text

Melbourne Worlds when?!

16 Sep 2024 Council

Inspired gif game


16 Sep 2024 HaverOfFun

Hell yeah! unstoppable organising team behind this! awesome run mate!

16 Sep 2024 lukevanryn

PS I didn’t play a diesel or a breakout all day, and it was a carpe diem run that fed me a bacterial that fed me a second bacterial that killed me. Perhaps there’s a lesson there…

16 Sep 2024 ThePatrician

WPWP bud. Awesome to see 419 doing his thing!

16 Sep 2024 bing005

Great run! Great deck. Well done!!!

17 Sep 2024 Drayven

Great deck and great write up! Always a pleasure to hang out.

1 Oct 2024 Ghost Meat

Congrats on a great showing in Melbourne, Luke!