Semi-Rogue Argus V2 - Tweaking for locals, need feedback

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Semi-Rogue Argus - Preparing for Tournament, need feedback!
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Semi-Rogue Argus V3 - Telling Time What to Do
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slobad31 584

This is my second take on Argus to take to a local series of tournaments. I have no idea what the meta will be like, as my small playgroup has been the only Netrunner I've been involved with. I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks to some comments on the first version, I've settled with a bad pub IAA style Argus.

9 Mar 2015 esutter479

I dig the Hourglass in Argus...very cool. Seemingly, the more Argus decks I see posted, the more I'm able to really survey the ID and try to streamline my own concept of it. I'm not sure if I'm totally sold on the 14 (or more) Agenda suite as opposed to the 7 (or less - I run with 6, myself) Agenda suite, though.

By the way, what does IAA mean? I see that abbreviation thrown around a lot, and I still have no idea what it means, lol. I assume one of the "A"s means "Advance"...

9 Mar 2015 slobad31

@esutter479 It's "Install, Advance, Advance," which is a typical turn for this deck. Ideally, the runner hits a Cerebral Overwriter or Shattered Remains and thinks twice about running what turn out to be agendas. I was originally running only 6 agendas (in a build not posted on this site), but I like triggering the ID ability more often. With 6 agendas, it'll only trigger twice per game, at most. It may be that the lighter agenda count is the right way to go, but I like having multiple ID triggers. I love Hourglass, personally. I just wish I had room for a second. I may drop 1 Data Raven for it, but I'm torn.

9 Mar 2015 esutter479

Naw man...I'd definitely keep the 3 Ravens in. They, above all else, really play a mini-mind game with the runner whenever they decide to go in on a server with one installed. My Argus uses a couple Dedicated Response Teams, and being able to rez one of those after they decide they wanna access the server after eating a Raven tag is just priceless. :)

9 Mar 2015 slobad31

Hahaha true story! I actually just dropped Dedicated Response Team and an Excalibur for 2 Ireress, since I stacked so much bad pub in the deck. With triple Raven, I suppose I could drop the single SEA Source. I'd really like to include a second Cerebral Overwriter, but influence is pretty tight.

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