[NEO] Neo Retrofuturism

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easterncalculus 770

This is a super generic supermodernism deck - jam out ice behind cheap ETRs early (like Ice Wall, Akhet, Ping and Hortum) whilst keeping our money up thanks to Our ID, Advanceable Ice, and Hostile Takeover.

Especially great early scores include Project Atlas with extra counters - these can easily be turned into points and money on demand by fetching Hostile Takeovers at the beginning of our turn, and safe from runner interference in the end game. If the runner is threatening to run away with points, we can alternatively opt to Public Trail them into End of the Line.

Other possible useful info:

Things to watch out for:

  • A lot of our ice takes a bit hit when faced with Hush
  • A breaker-less runner can more or less run through Stavka without consequence, so beware about trying to defend with it early. But equally, it can be a great facecheck. Depends on the matchup
  • We probably only ever want to forfeit Hostile Takeover to rez Archer