Pain Wall

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gravityab 21

Ice up centrals with ETR or Caprice Nisei. In the beginning Ice like Hive is strong. Later Ice Wall becomes stronger. Gain as many TI advancement counters as much as possible to strengthen defense for surprise Chum or Komainu. As long the ETR works, you can get credits with NeoTokyo Grid and Successful Demonstration and work your way to building a huge deathtrap with combos like Komainu and House of Knives or House of Knives and Tori Hanzō. This deck usually flatlines but can win slowly.

27 May 2014 Cancer Ace

Seems like a pretty solid build, but I'm surprised to see no Trick of Light. Does it kill the runner often enough that you never need to move any of the counters back from Ice Wall? I'm also surprised their aren't more advanceable ICE, as they usually couple well with Tennin Institute. Still, I may have to try a variation of this build myself.

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