Packs |
System Gateway |
I am working on publishing a decklist for each of the factions, to give better options to teach the game to newer players, currently there are no bans in the System Gateway only format.
This deck was build based on Metropole Grid's Deckbuilding 101 Video. Please watch his video's as they a great way to learn.
Your primary goal is to win by scoring out agenda's. In order to do this, establishing good economy and strong remote server(s) is the key. Play ice that tax the runner on R&D and your HQ, while playing enough on a remote server to stop them from accessing without significant credits.
Agenda's: *In System Gateway there are very limited options.
Luminal Transubstantiation Is now banned in standard as it gives the corp 3 additional clicks, which is extremely powerful.
Offworld Office & Send a Message Allows for good economy, and good agenda's to score that provide value. Even if Send a Message is stolen we have expensive ice we could rez like Brân 1.0 or Ansel 1.0
Superconducting Hub gets us to 18 agenda points, leaving our deck with a high ratio 8:44 which ~1:5.5 Cards for the runner to find an agenda.
Hedge Fund & Hansei Review are great early economy, and can be great sustain throughout the game.
Regolith Mining License Is your staple to get ahead on credits, play this in your remote server, when possible, but you can also place this unprotected from time to time.
Nico Campaign is great to get you some reoccurring credits without clicking, however it may be hard to protect it for 3 full turns, unless you have placed it in the main remote server.
Predictive Planogram can be used for credits when needed, but you will want to use it to draw cards when possible.
Seamless Launch is great to score out an Offworld Office that was installed last turn, and 2x can score out a Send a Message all well-being a credit cheaper for each copy used.
Whitespace & Tithe are cheap and efficient ice that tax the runner in the early game and can be rez'd without large economy. When possible, these should be used on the central servers to slowly cost the runner credits as they break them.
Palisade is a great staple to protect your remote server, and can be surprisingly effective against Cleaver
Brân 1.0 is our wall. Ice breakers in System Gateway take some serious credits to break through it. Runners will often "click through" this piece of ice slowing their turn down significantly. It can be used on HQ or your remote server to bolster your protection.
Ansel 1.0 is another target for Send a Message and gets us a sentry piece of ice that the runner needs to address, and just like Brân 1.0 will slow down the runner.
Anoetic Void or Manegarm Skunkworks on a server are great options for protection. Keep in mind both can be used on the same server making it virtually impossible to dig through if you can pay for Anoetic Void twice, and good ice on the server. (This changes in the larger Cardpool's of Startup and Standard)
Special Notes:
Card draw is limited in System Gateway, but if don't see reliable card draw like Spin Doctor or Predictive Planogram you should consider clicking to draw.
Spin Doctor allows for you to shuffle in cards that have been trashed, played, or even agenda's tossed using Anoetic Void. Learning when and what targets to shuffle in with spin doctor is a great way to improve your skills.
Remember your goal is to score out agendas so prioritize economy when you are low and punish the runner if they are low on credits.