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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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First Contact |
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Council of the Crest |
Whispers in Nalubaale |
Card draw simulator |
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Derived from | |||
Frantic Knife Throwing | 67 | 44 | 14 |
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None yet |
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This is Frantic Knife Throwing with a few modifications:
No Morning Star, as usually it was only saving me a 1 or 4, and ditching it meant I could also ditch Retrieval Run. (No Surfer either, nice and simple.)
Armitage Codebusting instead of Dirty Laundry, so I don't have to rely on the availability of cheap runs.
I've Had Worse instead of Inject, for protection against e.g. BOOM!. Misdirection added for protection against Hard-Hitting News. These kind of dilute the cohesion of the deck, but seem like a necessary evil.
eXer is because I like to use this deck to run on R&D a lot. When it comes to trashing things, I've gone back and forth a bit between Scrubbers and Imps (especially useful when playing against those horizontal corps who are pretty immune to the ice trashing by barely having any). I'm favouring Imps because, being able to trash anything, they can trash whatever you find in R&D (including operations and ice), so you can then run on it again immediately. The downside is that, compared to scrubbers, they need something like Progenitor for MU, and Friday Chip for replenishment.
Talking of running on R&D pretty relentlessly, I've added Showing Off to further help with that. (Only two as you won't need it until you've got some eXers installed). Similarly, I've only left in one Stimhack as it may just win you the game, but only at the end of a long slog.
The imps have also come in useful for more safely accessing Obokata Protocol, but that's a side benefit, not intended purpose. As soon as I got carried away with trashing things specifically to go fishing them out of archives afterwards, it diluted the deck too much. This is intended more for reckless trashing.
Bear in mind I have very little idea what I'm doing, and it's too early to say which I need to work more on out of playing vs. deckbuilding (though both need work). So this isn't necessarily an improvement on the deck I based it on. Hopefully it might give others some ideas, though?
Happy trashing! ❤️