Debonair Spy v1.0

SynnerG 15

While riding high smash with ICE Breakers, while riding low use low cost tricks to sneak in until you rebound.

Once they see you aren't Gabe and they don't protect their hand, install HQ interface and pick at their hand once in a while. This is more personal choice for me as I like to know what they have in hand and makes the run more likely to hit an agenda. These can easily be switched out for R&D Interfaces, as this build is not maxed out on influence.

Use Datasucker tokens to reduce strength of Sentry ICE to make Femme more efficient to use. Helps eliminate her one weakness and eliminates running a redundant sentry breaker eating up card slots.

Use Gorman drip as off-shore accounts to protect against Closed Accounts play. Play Drip early and only trash once you need the MU to install something else. If Corp clears counters, it's wasting their time and the Drip resumes collecting tokens. If ICE is not proving to be a problem necessitating the Datasucker or Breakers, then just install a second Drip and punish the Corp more.

Three early Compromised Employees before running will make money mid-run to pay for breaking further ICE or have enough to trash an Upgrade in addition to an Asset. Shutdown big ICE to tax the Corp or shutdown cheap ICE you know the Corp is willing to rez a second time to make double the money. Base link plus 3 recurring credits will auto-break most traces, putting the burden on the Corp to boost the trace in the first place. If you run first click, let them pay to boost, then take tag to complete the run and shake tag before end of turn to save the credits for off-turn traces.
2 Oct 2013 SynnerG

Sorry for the wall of text, but tried to explain and justify my choices. Already working on the next version to help squeeze in some Same Old Thing cards to replay events and other tweaks. Like any aggressive deck, I have as many wins running no breakers as I do losses to bursts of net damage from Jinteki or HB glacial walls, but I feel it's fast and fun regardless.