Become the Tax Man

free_electron 23


I saw the art for GameNET: Where Dreams are Real and thought "gammer castle, cool"


+3 Eavesdrop this card is excellent it turns any ICE into Tollbooth and triggers ID (only if the runner pays for trace)

currently working on a sequel to this deck called "Tag Tax Harmony" were tags == taxes, taxes == tags and tags == wins

Update 2

Tag Tax Harmony is cancelled
Glacier is dead and K2CP Turbine was the final nail in the coffin.
GameNET is outdated in the current meta just play Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future 90% of the time you will gain more credits.
End of the Line and a bunch of trap ambush cards > every other tagging reward card

Core Cards



  • This is card that will win you late game
  • Every ICE you install in the deck strengthens it
  • 2 code gates in and its comparable with Mestnichestvo


  • This card is devious
  • The runner has to lose 2 on top of breaking it no mater what
  • Install 2 on HQ and it become uneconomically viable to run HQ
  • Combos with Attitude Adjustment and Spin Doctor
  • End game you can just hide all your Agendas in HQ and the runner wont even try to run it
  • Like a mini Tollbooth face check


  • Strong early game
  • If it fires once pays for it's self
  • Install one on Archive
  • weak late game

NGO Front

  • Entice the runner to tax themselves
  • Fund Tollbooth


Loot Box

  • Disposable Rime that pays more

Cards That Do Not Work

Artificial Cryptocrash and Economic Warfare
The runner should already be broke from your ice

Fun Fact: Tollbooth is the entrance on GameNET's art
First time publishing a deck btw :p

24 Jan 2025 Krams

Welcome and congratulations on your first published decklist - and oh, what a list! I Love it! :D

I haven't testplayed it yet, but this deck looks extremely rich and it appears that all that money is just going into ice install cost - and they said, glacier was dead xD

One oddity that caught my attention however is that the tags from Authenticator, Tomorrowʼs Headline and SYNC Rerouting are not backed up by any punishment - does the taxation plan still work if the runner goes tagme?

24 Jan 2025 reitnorf

Beware: Forged Activation Orders, Emergency Shutdown, Reprise

I believe you mean CharmCrews?

24 Jan 2025 free_electron

@Krams SYNC Rerouting has mad mind game potential, it discourages aggressive runners (Deep Dive & Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy), and taxes the runner even more especially early game (pay the tag or lose your Daily Casts). I wouldn't consider it a core card though.

25 Jan 2025 free_electron

@reitnorf Playing against CharmCrews isn't as bad as it seems. It cost (2+2+1+3=8) to trash Tollbooth and ID triggers. Its a war of attrition that Ivik wins for you at the end, it even resists Freedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist since it's still considered 7 cost after the discount.

7 Feb 2025 Krams

After testing the deck a bit I'd humbly suggest
+1 Attitude Adjustment in order to not have to use the Doctor for flood control
+1 Thimblerig as a very well spent influence point that strengthens your defense by putting the ice where they are needed
and for the deck slots either cut SYNC Rerouting or Loot Box, which, sadly falls short as soon as you start stacking too much

7 Feb 2025 Krams

Also, since Rime boosts ice strength I think a sentry with a good rez cost to strength ratio could really get into hurtful territory here. I'm thinking about Jua or F2P here. Not as a 3-of, just 2 copies to force a killer install.

8 Feb 2025 SHIEL

Personally I swapped the Hedge Funds for Planograms to try and get some value out of those tags. But honestly, I think it's rare that there's a need for actual Tag Punishment cards - excepting only Seb tagme shit, tags are their own punishment, worst case scenario you can read the tag text on Authenticator and Rerouting as "the runner pays a click and 2 credits" which is absolutely not a bad thing.

14 Feb 2025 free_electron

@SHIEL Predictive Planogram is just not viable when Rashida Jaheem exists, she even acts as bait