This is what Weyland considers as a trap. It either had to end the run or make money. Given that it is an asset, it could not end the run so we have to live with the money.
GRNDL Refinery is not a bad card. The only issue with it is that if you could get this card to net you 10+ credits, you could also have advanced and scored a 4-advancement agenda. And the windows in which you can do this are not that large nor that common. This makes this card as a great tool to learn where the windows for scoring are in your games. The other thing about this card is that it is a great way to force runs from the runner through a thick server. Still, there are better cards to have the runner run out of money (Reversed Accounts).
I believe that we have moved on for our economy to more operations and advertisements. This card still has its niche where it shines though. Play it in decks with bonuses for advancing cards, like Oberth Protocol, Dedication Ceremony or Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within.