Stop... Hammer Time! (3.5 BABW Leeds 3rd Place)

Pinkwarrior 2351

The deck went with only 2 win's on the day of the 6 games it played but two of those loss's were my fault not the decks as I got Ed killed when I could have easily avoided it by simply drawing a card and to top it of both times I were ahead & could have just slowed down. So I like to think I could have done the deck more justice. The best game it had had to be against an RP deck where I lost all my recursion and ended the game with only a single card left the corp lost the game due to not been able to draw a card however, it was a brutal game that I really enjoyed.

3.5 After a fair bit of trying out new cards for the deck I have it running consistently. Datasucker is a big help for the deck it can mean the difference between discarding or 2 credits with femme and helps Parasite to do some work. I was struggling sometimes on keeping the 2 MU free and Djinn wasn't helping when I already filled the MU up so an Extra MemStrips was needed.

Although Gang Sign was good as HQ pressure it was proving to be too much influence for the job it filled, Legwork on the other hand has always worked nicely with Vigil and has surprise value it can be a game winner so has earn't its place. With legwork in the deck I didn't need the Nerve Agent any more and with no virus search it's been a good call to add an extra Medium. The last 2 freed up influence went on Special Order and it's been well worth it I was finding on occasion I just couldn't find a Faust despite their been 3 having this in seems to have eliminated that problem and I can also use it for finding Femme Fatale.

As already discussed in the previous version's comments Kati Jones just weren't cutting it and so has changed for Armitage Codebusting and econ has been better ever since. I've Had Worse is a card I have actually debated throwing I hardly ever play it thanks to Wyldside & it's rare it soaks damage up for me thanks to Ed's ability dealing with threats before they happen. But on the other hand when it is used either played as draw or as dodging lethal am happy it was their so maybe I experiment dropping it down to a 2 of. Levy AR Lab Access is needed tho most of the time the game doesn't go that long some games can and I've needed to use it on those games.

Experimentation Note's

Wanton Destruction not really useful I found since you can trash most cards in the corps deck anyway and you don't always have 3 clicks.

Day Job again not useful similar problem with clicks and it's rare i want to spend a turn taking cash.

John Masanori a bit redundant the draw is nice to have but alot of the time its not actually useful and the downside of unsuccessful run's can stop some good plays.

Dirty Laundry Good card could replace Sure Gamble as its better when your low on credits but the boost from a turn one SG is too big to pass up also SG is better against glacier style decks.

D4v1d 2 of is a must thanks to cards like Wraparound & Turing.

Surge not much use I actually made worse decisions just trying to use it.

Gang Sign a good card but sadly theirs cheaper influence cards that can put pressure on HQ.

My first game with this deck was a 12 - 0 win and continued strong with follow up games only losing once to a GRNDL deck when i couldn't find a single breaker.

I've since made some adjustments to the deck taking out Day Job and a MemStrips since i generally just didn't need them or worse couldn't play em.

The deck focus's on HQ pressure with alsorts of tools & Medium for R&D if need be. Faust is really built for Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer since he needs the access Eater just doesn't cut it.

The deck seems rather quick and piles the pressure on by not letting the corp keep their cards.

7 Aug 2015 Skitzafreak

Question about the e3 Feedback Implants. Do you know if having both of them out stacks? Say for example you have both of them out, can you use Faust or D4v1d and then 2 credits to break 3 subroutines?

7 Aug 2015 Pinkwarrior

@Skitzafreak Well you could do that but it triggers off it's self so you can save 2 credits and not play the second one but still pay 2 and a D4v1d to break 3 subs.

11 Aug 2015 Vimes

Very much liking this deck, cannot wait to try it out myself!

With Old Hollywood out, would you consider adding Trope, maybe for some IHW? Film Critic also though it is hard thinking what would be removed, utopia and Special Order? Bleh.

I feel Hacktivist Meeting also has a place in your theme of forcing a small HQ and slowing Corp resources down. I'm not too used to Anarch and I worry about AI breakers because I theorize Turing everywhere, but this is one I'd love to pop my fears with.

12 Aug 2015 Vimes

I also wonder if swapping Femme for Mimic (having to leave David for Turing duty) and removing Utopia could leave space for 2 Career Fair, which could then allow you to turn the Armitages into Liberated Account.

12 Aug 2015 Pinkwarrior

@Vimes Trope for IHW? sorry not sure what IHW is only thing I can think of is I've Had Worse and theirs 3 in the deck already. If I were to add Trope id drop the Levy AR Lab Access free up 3 influence then but am not sold on trope it seems too slow having to sit their building counters.

I think Femme Fatale for Mimic is fine it's not often it comes in handy I wouldn't drop Utopia Shard my self it's one of my favourites been really flexible in it's use been able to stop a fast advance, a scorched or use it just to access all their cards with a legwork and an archive run. But I would say experiment with it just using this as a base and get it to your liking everyone has different styles and it's better that the deck suits you.

As for Turing it's really not an issue you have 3 options either D4v1d, Parasite&Datasucker or just click through.