Saturn's Sickle (beta)

Snake Eyes 4651

The name: Saturn is the Roman name of Cronus, the leader and youngest of the Titans of Greek Mythology.

In ancient myth recorded by Hesiod's Theogony, Cronus envied the power of his father, the ruler of the universe, Uranus. Uranus drew the enmity of Cronus' mother, Gaia, when he hid the gigantic youngest children of Gaia, the hundred-handed Hecatonchires and one-eyed Cyclopes, in the Tartarus, so that they would not see the light. Gaia created a great stone sickle and gathered together Cronus and his brothers to persuade them to castrate Uranus.

Only Cronus was willing to do the deed, so Gaia gave him the sickle and placed him in ambush. When Uranus met with Gaia, Cronus attacked him with the sickle, castrating him and casting his testicles into the sea.

(Ref: Wikipedia)

I've been tweaking this deck in anticipation for the cards. I think it'll be quite good, but of course playtesting and further tweaks will probably be required.

This deck uses some of the huge advanceable ICE Suite from Order and Chaos, and Trick of Light to capitalize on that investment. The Root is used to cheapen the affect of advancing everything.

I decided to go with 2x SanSan City Grid and 2x Trick of Light and a single Eli 1.0 to round out the influence. 11 points worth of agendas in this deck can be fast advanced with ease. High-Risk Investment technically can be too, if 2x Trick of Light are in hand and SanSan City Grid is on the table. Kind of a crazy situation, but it's within the realm of possibility. If you score a Project Atlas off of a SanSan City Grid you can chain the next 2 Project Atlases in the next two turns so long as your SanSan City Grid is stable - then score something simple like Hostile Takeover for the last point, using Project Atlas counters to bring what you need to hand.

Firmware Updates has several available targets atm, namely: Orion, Swarm, Lycan, Wormhole, Ice Wall, and Fire Wall, meaning 10 of the 18 ICE in this build. Builder helps with this advancement suites, while being unattractive in itself to break, and nice to set a super server up with. Orion and Swarm probably being the two most attractive targets.

The reign of Daily Business Show has begun. No longer are 3x Jackson Howards required in all decks. I feel as though 2 of each is the sweet spot right now. That Errand Boy can make Daily Business Show trigger as well is just icing on the cake.

Crisium Grid is my plan to wreck havoc on Eater decks. I'm under the assumption that most Eater decks will be trying to Keyhole as a #1 priority, and Account Siphon plenty too. Crisium Grid is already quite a strong card aside from that benefit. I may find justification to put a 3rd one in.

Witness Tampering is my plan to counter Valencia Blackmail decks. Since this deck can pick up a little extra BP here and there from Hostile Takeover and Swarm, I don't feel as though it's a completely dead card against other match-ups. Just having a single copy might be too inconsistent - but unless I feel the sting of Valencia hard, I don't think I'd go with any more than this. My strategy with Blue Sun: Powering the Future is using Elizabeth Mills - but with that deck I use Executive Boot Camp to bring her up. That deckspace isn't a luxury here, what with all of the fast advance tools.

The main card I'm debating about for the future is Geothermal Fracking. Being able to pull 21 credits in 3 clicks is incredibly strong. It might be a little more bad publicity than I'm comfortable with taking though. Tyrant is also a card that I'm debating - since there's so much stuff on the table that's going to be advanced and give free advancements I figure that it might not be completely terrible. I've never really been sold on GRNDL Refinery as an economy card, so that'll take a little bit of playtesting to see how it goes. It might just be better to add in something simple like Melange Mining Corp.. The economy of this deck might need a slight boosting - we'll see from playtesting.

Any discussion is welcomed. I'd like to know what people think about Mark Yale in Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future especially - considering how many more agenda counters they get in faction.

5 Feb 2015 Pyjam


I saw that you're interested in the archetype Titan FA with ToL and discussing about it.

You might be interested by my own deck which I refined a lot with my buddy. Unfortunately, I can't play on OCTGN (no support for Mac) where it might be tested against a larger variety of decks.

So, I'm looking for testers, reports and discussion.

If you're interested, you'll find more design notes on my topic @ BGG :

I apologize if you're not interested.

5 Feb 2015 Snake Eyes

Hey! Thanks for the message.

I might post what I had after all to be able to compare with what you guys are doing right now. It was based off of this posting from pre-O&C times, but has since changed around a bunch.

I'm just not sure on Commercialization here - haven't tried it out in this deck or anything, but I just figure that the max tokens I'd have on anything would be 5 on an Orion - and since it requires so much set up, that something simple and guaranteed like a Beanstalk Royalties or Hedge Fund would be easier to use.

With all the BP that deck is taking, how strong do you think the NAPD Contracts are?

Targeted Marketing is interesting. I finally used it in a deck (The Foundry: Refining the Process IT Department Grail/NEXT Ice deck) and it either avoided a player from hitting their Corroder, or doing any Inside Jobs later on once I had plenty of tokens on IT Department. What cards would you be more tempted to call in your deck?