Project 2501

asteriskreaper 20

working it out before it comes out this fall

10 Aug 2015 krystman

What is the Fan Site for? Also, do you really need 3x Plascrete Carapace if you already have Heartbeat?

I like e3 Feedback Implants with Endless Hunger. Good thinking!

10 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

What's the point of Fan Site in this deck? You need something like Data Dealer to make it worthwhile (unplayable here, obviously). You can trash it as an installed card to trigger Apex mechanics, but it has a lot of anti-synergy since it stops being an installed card as soon as the corp scores.

10 Aug 2015 asteriskreaper

fan site and plascrete are because i ran out of influence and needed things on the ground, fan site is free so i figured it would be good for trashing.

10 Aug 2015 Happyam

To be honest, Dorm Computer is better than Fan site here. Both have use 1 Influence and 0 Cost. Plus, you can initiate run and prevent Tag using it.

10 Aug 2015 krystman

@asteriskreaper Fan Site is actually a liability then because it might disappear when corp scores. And you can literally do nothing with it once it's scored. Instead, you could play

10 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Here's a list of all virtual resources that cost 0. Either Ice Analyzer or Rolodex would be better than Fan Site, and Data Leak Reversal is an interesting idea with the amount of damage prevention you have.

10 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Haha, man are we on point today. Also worth mentioning is Sacrificial Construct. It's cheaper on influence than Clone Chip and basically does the same thing, but doesn't make you pay to reinstall the program and is 1 cheaper. Not a direct replacement, as you may want to install from your heap, but worth looking at.

10 Aug 2015 asteriskreaper

i never thought of the construct and it would make room for ice analyzer too, thanks guess, almost finished with 2.0

10 Aug 2015 asteriskreaper

and i wanna know more on how directives work before i start using them, they are also 3 influence

10 Aug 2015 krystman

@FarCryFromHuman Sacrificial Construct is not virtual. :(

Rolodex is not cool because it has a downside when it's trashed. Btw, it doesn't trigger when it's trashed from being face-down, right?

10 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

They work just like any other card, they just come pre-installed as Adam. It's worth nothing that not only do they cost 3 influence a piece, they are all unique (you would want to stack them if possible, with the exception of SF). Here's a specific breakdown:

Safety First: Reduces your hand size by 2, so for most runners you'll only be able to keep three cards at the end of your turn. However, if you end your turn under your hand size, you draw a card. This seems like it will work very well with handsize-increasing effects as an odd card drawing resource.

Always Be Running: Your first has to be used to make a run or play a run event. There are a lot of obvious implications here, but the only question I know of is whether it works with cards such as Keyhole. It's not an event, and isn't the *: make a run* basic action. I would argue it does, since "Make a run" is the leading text on Keyhole, but RAW they probably don't play well together.

The second part of the card lets you basically use Adam's Bioroid nature to break a sub once a turn. Of course, this can be used by anyone playing the card. You can once a turn to break a single sub. Pretty straightforward.

Neutralize All Threats: Kind of like ABR, the first time you encounter a trashable card each turn, you have to trash it if you can. It'll hurt you when you use your ABR trigger to check a naked remote and don't want to trash what you see, but otherwise it's not so bad. The upside is that you paid 0 to effectively install an HQ Interface; you get to see one additional card on HQ accesses. This includes accesses from cards like Gang Sign.

10 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@krystman No, it does not trigger if face down. And it is good, as you can use it to increase draw quality. You can trash it with many of Apex's mechanics after sorting the top of your deck, putting three cards you don't care about on top. You can also trigger the same effect with Hunting Grounds. If it's trashed by the corp then you lose three cards off your stack, that's no big deal. Better than from hand, certainly. I'm not sure Rolodex is a great include, but it certainly isn't a bad one.

10 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@krystman And you are totally right about Sacrificial Construct, for some reason I always want to think it's hardware. So sad.

10 Aug 2015 asteriskreaper

I think it should have been

11 Aug 2015 asteriskreaper

So far you need Eater out with Endless Hunger so you can get through most stuff