This card has decent potential as a one-shot safety net. It's straightforward and maybe a bit expensive. It's a flexible but self-trashing Snitch. However, a certain card came out with synergy that makes it extremely powerful, and not many have realized it yet.
GPI's text is an interesting one in that both of its abilities are optional. On approach, you may expose approached ice (note: rezzed cards can still be exposed). You may then trash this to jack out. Most important to this, you don't need to activate the second sentence.
What this means for the turtle is that every single ice in a server, whether rezzed or not, charges a virus counter. You can get one per run bouncing off of something simple like an Ice Wall, or you can use other breakers and bypass effects to gain a counter for each ICE in a server (and then perhaps another from access). Even more ridiculous is that GPI isn't unique, so you can get 3 down and gain 3 counters per ice. The bounceback potential makes purging almost pointless, essentially negating Aumakua's weakness.
With how strong this combo is I fully expect GPI to get errata for uniqueness if it ever sees mainstream play. Until then, happy hunting!
EDIT: It's now clear to me that rezzed cards can't be exposed under the new rules, so it might only work for unrezzed Ice. We might need a dev ruling to clarify this, as GPI will still attempt to expose a card even if the ICE is rezzed, and it has potential to change the game state.
So that´s why GPI got banned!
— m.p