Blueberry Boxing

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Stealth Leela (5th place at BLM)
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ValkyriezGaming 419

Firstly, credit to @tanderson for 90% of the deck and his helpful insights from the list he ran to 5th place at BLM.

I've been trying to get stealth to work in Crim, but im just not a good enough pilot for it. I really liked the Engolo play though. I looked at his list, and thought how do I take out the 5 stealth card slots and 8 influence driving it and not make the deck significantly worse.

Overall Gameplan.

Pretty much a goodstuff Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist, no real tricks here. Get money, get Engolo down to threaten the remote if the corp tries to score and pressure R&D if they are going slow. I try to leave HQ ice unrezzed if I can early and the corp is going fast so I can bounce the HQ ICE back and then use the Diversion of Funds or Embezzle.

Establish enough money for a remote lock with Engolo, get Paperclip in the bin or installed (preferably with Stimhack ) and build The Turning Wheel

Card choices, synergies and possible flex changes.

Tapwrm. This originally was 3x PAD Tap but outside of 419 and its economy oppression I just dont think it does enough work here. Corps just get rid of it and sure, it costs them a click and 3c but it also cost you 3 slots and 3 clicks to install. I swapped to Tapwrm for two reasons, firstly it cost the corp a full turn to get rid of, and secondly it gives you a target program to trash if you want to steal an SDS Drone Deployment. I'm actually going to try this list with Bankroll instead of Tapwrm because it leans further into the run based economy, it gives creds a safe place to live and goes well with the below card choices.

Security Testing & Paragon. Simple enough, you pick a server, preferably undefended and you make a run for 3c profit and filter one card from the top to the bottom if you dont want it to be your next draw. Add a Dirty Laundry, and now its a 6c profit. Add a DreamNet and now its 6c and a card. If you have The Class Act installed (and you should) You can filter the top card with Paragon and then when DreamNet triggers you see the top 2 cards, you can then filter another one to the bottom with The Class Act. There's added value here if you can use Bravado against R&D or HQ with The Turning Wheel. Being able to filter two cards and draw the 3rd is really, really good in finding the pieces you need. Small reminder though, Earthrise Hotel draw will use the The Class Act trigger, so on those turns you wont get the additional filter.

Only 2x Diversion of Funds! Are you mad?!?! I'm not great at landing it, even less so without Boomerang. I've gone with 2x Inside Job because it's so good to bypass completely early, and lets you contest 2 deep remotes of unrezzed ICE with nothing but credits and Engolo. Corps are less likely to rez the ICE you bypass, so you can bounce it back to hand aswell. The main reason the deck uses Inside Job instead of Boomerang though is to guarantee the access (even with Anansi you will access, it will just hurt a fair bit). The secondary reason is I don't really want the deck to be shuffled after the successful run. Ideally you take notice of what you filter, and your putting those cards you dont need now or second copies of Paragon/Dreamnet at the bottom and you don't want to draw straight back into them.

2x Daily Casts and 1x Kati Jones is for the long game. Drop Kati if you dont feel like you need it.

Labor Rights This is such a good card. It's not good in crim when you draw it early, so I do try and filter it to the bottom because late game being able to play this and put back Embezzle, Inside Job, Legwork, Bravado and Diversion of Funds feels great. There's also the off chance that you lose a breaker from net damage that you forgot to install first (yep, I do that too) or you hit into an Archer and realise it costs 8 credits with Engolo to break. It happens, and Labor Rights is there to help you get it back if it does happen.

Why the Blueberry!™ Diesel? More draw, more filtering, its free and I like it. Cut it if you want, I've contemplated going down to 2x and putting in a No One Home for the Hard-Hitting News match up, it will also save me from those silly facechecks against Anansi.

There's 8 targets for Career Fair. One Stimhack could be a second The Turning Wheel.

That's it from me. Hope you enjoyed reading.


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