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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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The Spaces Between |
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Up and Over |
All That Remains |
The Source |
The Valley |
Breaker Bay |
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NEXT King of England v5 | 12 | 9 | 3 |
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NEXT King of England v7 | 5 | 4 | 1 |
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The sixth version of my King of England deck is the strongest yet.
The NEXT/Grail suite is incredibly synergistic making runs taxing and painful for the runner. This is further augmented by ITD.
Crisium grid + Turing shuts down a lot of AI strategies.
Adonis, Hedge Fund, and Peak Efficiency make up the core economy package which is supplemented by the Melange. A turn or two clicking Melange will keep your economy strong.
ABT and Eden are pure money makers in this deck. You will be getting large ice towers so Eden will save you tons of credits.
Hades and Jackson help to recur your economy and any ice lost to parasites.
Basic game plan is to rush out an early ABT or two in a secured remote. Then sit behind your ice walls powering up your IT department until you can score a 5/3.
6 May 2015
6 May 2015
That's a nasty spread of Ice, a few single ETR's for early and a bunch of multi-sub ETR's for later makes ITD so much more powerful. Good luck D4v1d, you'll need it. You marvelous bastard. |
6 May 2015
6 May 2015
This is similar to a deck I've been messing around with. I don't have Architect or Melange, but did add in Will-o'-the-Wisp and Biotic Labor. I'm going to give this one a try tonight as I love NEXT Suite. |
6 May 2015
6 May 2015
Given 10 etr ice (and potentially 15), I'm surprised to see Turing get the nod over both Eli and 3rd Architect. Is it the anti-eater aspect? Ice Suite makes total sense to me except for a 3-of for Turing. |
6 May 2015
I've had Eli in past versions of the deck, he didn't perform very well. Without the additional bioroid support he was too porous. Also, a lot of decks now drop a mimic early and start face checking making a 3rd architect as much a liability as an asset. I found Turing gave ample scoring windows early and shuts down Eater. |
6 May 2015
Turing is great to protect IT. If they spend all the clicks, you can score your agenda in the remote. It's 5 str, eating up a d4v1d by itself, at only 4 cost. I based an IT deck around your previous build, and I'm going to see if this one isn't as awesome. :D |
7 May 2015
8 May 2015
Why would you choose Next Design over Foundry for a grail/next ice deck? Are the 3 starting ice worth the 3 influence plus card draw? |
8 May 2015
I've always wanted to make a next deck that was competitive and started working on this concept before foundry was spoiled iirc. Foundry is great and helps smooth out the beta tests, but I found I enjoyed the way the deck performed in next more than I did in foundry. |
8 May 2015
Also, I found the starting speed of NEXT is a huge boon. The Foundry ratchets up the speed over time with more rezzes, but those initial 4-6 clicks you get out of the ID are massive. |
22 May 2015
I'm making an edit of this deck and I was wondering what you would choose if you had to lose an Adonis Campaign or an ICE (probably -1 Turing)? |
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This has consistently been a great deck, and so fun. I assume Mother over Excalibur for consistency with NEXT ice?