Stealth Bagbiter

Nr. Hook 20

The goal with this deck is to drain Corp's R&D with recursive Fisk Investment Seminar and drain the Corp's credits with recursive Forged Activation Orders, all the while handpicking the programs necessary for a single-run win on Archives. Contingency plan: flat-out empty R&D to kill Corp.

Lost by a long shot against a fast-advance HB deck.

Lessons learned:

  • Do not install Bagbiter with less than 3 econ resources, and make sure at least enough credits for a max hand-size of 5 is a click away before the end of turn. Ideally this would be double.

  • Using Amped Up too soon (see above) and too often kills the pace, defeating the sole purpose of the card, as credits and max hand-size get critically reduced, directly antagonizing the strategy of the deck. I'll probably swap these with Singularity to slow Corp scoring without risking an ambush asset.

  • Zona Sul Shipping is great, but taking credits from it every other turn (because of the previously mentioned problems) is inefficient and significantly slows the deck's pace if it becomes the primary econ.

  • Swap the 3 Data Folding for 3 Daily Casts and install the first one during the same turn Bagbiter is installed.

  • Get rid of Decoy, because if you don't run, you don't get tagged. Replace them with Account Siphon and make a couple of HQ runs to keep the Corp on its toes. Hmm...but then I have two tags to deal with!

  • Get rid of Diesel and rely on Symmetrical Visage to get cards+credits.

3 Nov 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Do you end up using both LARLAs? Medium seems like a better choice for one slot and 3 influence.

3 Nov 2015 Nr. Hook

Thanks for the comment @FarCryFromHuman. Only used one LARLA. I'm a really new player who has only ever played Anarch virus decks, so I challenged myself to build a deck without relying on viruses. Now that I've dipped a toe into the Criminal waters, perhaps I'll splash it with some virus.