Surf Destroyer

Tempus 5

Went with a Surfer Quetzal. I think it has a lot of potencial that is currently being unexplored. I went with Cyber Threat over Forged Activation Orders because of the influence and it is essentially the same thing with the added value that you get to make a run if the corp doesn't rez. Mono Ice servers are dead in the water with this.

I didn't want to include Mimic, but I prefer it over Faust crazy trashing for Facechecking Ice. Turing is a problem, yes, but one I can deal with Cyber Threat, Paintbrush and Knifed. Same Old Thing are there so you can recur those Knifed.

I know, 47 cards, but Paige Piper with Wyldside + Adjusted Chronotype gets you all the cards you need.

I hope you like this deck! Feedback is always welcome! :D

6 Dec 2015 Stratix

Interesting deck, but do you need the Corroder?

6 Dec 2015 Tempus

@Stratix Thank you! Yes, if you want to run at 2 servers in one turn you absolutely need Corroder. Quetzal ability only works once per turn so you don't want to get shut out of servers because you already used your ability.

7 Dec 2015 Krams

@Tempus What do you do if the outermost ICE is an unrezzed Sentry with 4+ strength? Ichi 1.0 is quite common. Or a harming code gate like Inazuma or Wormhole?
It appears like you have to suffer their full effect once before you can use Paintbrush to Knife them away.

7 Dec 2015 Tempus

@Krams I'l admit that's a problem but I don't want to include a full breaker suite because of my low MU. Faust doesn't work with Paige Piper which I love in this deck. So I guess I took this approach, not very safe I know, but couldn't think of anything else. What would you change? :)

9 Dec 2015 Krams

I really don't know.
It feels like the deck needs another copy of Forged Activation Orders, but that's just not possible without dropping Paintbrush or e3 Feedback Implants, which both shouldn't be dropped.
Well, I guess 1 copy has to be enough alongside 3 SOTs and 3 Cyber Threats. It's not like you can't just force the corp to rez and be safe ;)

9 Dec 2015 Tempus

@Krams Well thanks for your input anyway! :D I'm going to continue to test it and will provide info on current tinkering and what not :)

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