Blue Sun Exploration

citizenkeen 27

My first attempt at a Blue Sun deck.

Mulligan for an Oversight AI if you can, and use it to get out a Curtain Wall/Janus 1.0.

Build some impenetrable centrals and Off the Grid. 4/7ths of this deck is sentries, which is mildly concerning, but Runners often go for Sentry first (especially against Weyland/Jinteki), so they'll likely have one. This deck just makes them punishing. Early Hive can be bounced later and discarded. Use Hostile Takeover as fuel for Archer. Keep Curtain Wall on the outside with your ID ability.

Infinite Adonis Campaign is your primary economy, with Subliminal for drip (this is not a deck the Runner is going to want to hit every turn) and Hedge Fund for burst. Infinite Elizabeth Mills resolves the Bad Pub from your Hostile Takeovers and Swarms. Priority Requisition also works great with Blue Sun.

I did not include the following cards that are often classics in Weyland/Corp decks:

  • Action Jackson: No influence, and I think Blue Sun sings with Janus and Adonis.
  • Scorched Earth: Feels weird to make a Weyland deck without Scorched, but this deck feels like it exists as the biggest, meanest glacial I can think of. Flatlining isn't its goal; this deck feels more like Redcoats.
  • Chimera: A classic, and may get added back in for early game, but getting derezzed removes the entire perk of Blue Sun, and this deck is already 21 ICE, 2/7ths of which the Corp doesn't want to bounce (advanced Swarm and Archer).