Double Threat Val (standard Obelus/Interface Blackmail spam)

Epimer 176

This deck is silly.

It's 5-1 over two GNKs with effectively the same list for each. Wins against Sleeper Hold ETF (with one turn to spare!), Twins Foundry, tagstorm Harishchandra, PE, and one I can't remember, and a loss to Chronos Protocol because Nisei Mk II is a good agenda, apparently, and will fuck up your Blackmail attempts.

After the first GNK, I swapped a HQ Interface for Planned Assault because I was sick of seeing an unwanted HQI early and my Blackmails being twenty cards into the deck. I also dropped a Scrubber and something else I can't remember to fit the two Infiltrations.

The plan is straightforward: find Blackmails, install Interfaces and Obelus, spam Blackmail on centrals until someone's won. The counterplay is to either jam more things into a remote than you have Blackmails, be Controlling The Message, or have hard counters like Executive Boot Camp, Oversight AI, or magic Accelerated Beta Test triggers. The Corporate Scandal is in case someone's actually playing bad publicity removal. I've never needed it. It's probably better as an Employee Strike, really, to shore up the otherwise horrible CTM matchup.

Despite the Scrubbers, Salsette Slums and cross-your-fingers-and-hope-to-find-it-turn-one-or-two-in-a-fifty-card-deck Rebirth into Whizzard: Master Gamer, this deck sucks against CTM. You can probably cut the in-case-of-emergency breaks for more hate, but I doubt it's enough to make it a favourable matchup.


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