AndyLR - 1st Place GNK

lilelia 323

This is the deck (with minor edits between) I took to 2 store champs (going 2-2 and 3-1) and a GNK (2-0 + a draw and a bye), winning the GNK. Wins were against rushy EtF, Hasty CI, many agenda PE, Boomcombo Haarp, Fumikocombo Nisei, Harishchandra with Biotic, Sync. Draw against Hasty CI. Losses against Hasty CI (my it's popular), Russian NEH, same PE.

2 of the losses this deck had were down to grave piloting error: against Russian NEH I had burned most of their fast advance, assets, and 2/1s and still had the source + film critic on the board, but no fall guys left, and planned to take out the rest next turn, then they scored an agenda I missed earlier to kill the source and bring back the game (I swore I'd checked every remote but I clearly hadn't); against PE I delayed installing the source until working out what kind of deck they were, got it hit with net damage and spent the rest of the game wishing it was there, didn't make the same mistake in the rematch.

This deck has a rocky start and decent game once going, as you might expect from something with this many moving parts. The Source is clutch and I wouldn't cut it for anything, nor any of the Fall Guys (earlier version had 2 and this was absolutely the wrong amount, you need them early and you need to be able to burn through them). Against most decks this will slow them down somewhat which is good because you have little other game against rush. The breakers are bad and they should feel bad, early quandaries and vanillas, so common these days, are a nightmare. I should probably cut either the Employee Strikes or the Sinclair to afford real breakers, but it's possible to make do.

Account Siphon is another super important card for slowing them down (I know, so surprising): 3 is mandatory and I'd be very sad to go to fewer than 2 SoT. You will probably waste your first Siphon seeing what gear check ice they have on HQ, you don't have the time to install breakers before that.

DLR is not actually a core game plan, it serves 2 main functions and 1 lesser:

1) It scares the crap out of far too many corps and makes them do silly things

2) It punishes corps trying to draw out the game

3) It gives an out sometimes (example the Nisei had set up batty/crick/fumiko and I was scared, so instead of running any of the cricked servers I DLRd them to death).

Career Fairs might seem odd with so few full benefit targets (there used to be more), but honestly it's worth using them on most of the 2-cost resources. You could probably go down to 2 though, and bring in a Passport.

The Femme should probably also go, I installed it once ever and it was a bad call. I was scared of stacked sentries and general horrible ice, but a second mongoose would just be better.

Match up wise the hardest deck for this atm is Hasty CI; it combines two things you hate: speed and not caring much about the source. You have to play much more aggressively with siphons and single accesses and hope for the best. A second Legwork would do work here as well as in other match ups. As would a Passport. Other purple tends to be okay, provided you stop them rushing too hard at the start. Kill is simple to avoid with tutorable Film Critic and New Angeles and lots of money. Rig Shooting has difficulty keeping you out with Nexus and Femme. Most NbN tricks can be disrupted enough to buy you time, and their ice hates you. DLR is a decent out against more out there decks you don't know how to deal with.

How you play depends so much on the match-up, but as a general rule get your money and resources up and keep them as poor as possible. You will almost certainly have to let their first agenda be scored, maybe even the second, just make them spend as much as possible securing those scores while you set up your board. Once you're set up, you should be able to run any scoreable agendas in remotes while pressuring their centrals and maybe hitting DLR a few times.

If you've got this far, thanks for reading. Here, have a barely relevant pretty picture: Andy

30 Nov 2016 BizTheDad

Love the name... took me a little bit.

30 Nov 2016 lopert

I like the no rabbit holes + no masanori.

Without Daily Casts or DirtyLaundry, how do you make the early money needed to install everything?

30 Nov 2016 Sunyavadin

Stop beating me with this deck, dammit!

30 Nov 2016 lilelia

@BizTheDad Heh thanks.

@lopert Mixture of Temüjin, Career Fair, and heavy prioritising. Generally econ is okay, but there are definitely games you have to make difficult decisions about what to install when.

1 Dec 2016 RKruler14

I run a similar style of this deck that I made once Citadel Sanctuary was released. I highly recommend removing a Temüjin Contract with a The Black File, as I found it to be very helpful, allowing me 2 extra turns to mill the corp down 8 (plus 2 if u count their draw). I also run drug dealers, but earthrise works too. However, I run no ice breakers, and rely solely on the 2 inside jobs I include and Security Nexus. Just make sure you can fit the pieces together quickly enough and you don't get caught not set up in time.

1 Dec 2016 lilelia

@RKruler14Going no breakers is certainly ballsy, though I guess ice-light decks are pretty common atm and if your main win-con is DLR you don't have to be able to get in everywhere. I had Black File in the original list and took it out when I realised that a) I wasn't DLRing nearly as much as I'd planned and b) It never showed up when I wanted it anyway, but I can see it doing work. Drug dealers is something I haven't tested and probably should.

1 Dec 2016 hsiale

I tried this deck a bit, using icebreaking package of 2 Nexus, 2 Overmind, 2 Inside Job and it was quite good, definitely enough to get in when I needed.

2 Dec 2016 Cyberzack

what about 1x blockade runner? tutor it when its right with hostage... you could hit it now and again, and the earthrise hotels would continuously chain into eachother gloriously with the ability to find the next one so easy. Also it would ensure you can get to your breakers in the odd matchup where you need them sooner than usual. Drug Dealer could be better, but i've found with Drug Dealer, when things go wrong, they go really wrong.

2 Dec 2016 lilelia

@CyberzackBlockade Runner is indeed good here, especially since you can shuffle back in extra copies of eg Citidel or New Angeles that you might want later. Not sure what I'd cut for it, but I'm sure it could be made to work.

@hsialeI will try that out, been a while since I played with Overmind and lots of bypass. I dismissed it originally because it didn't work very well in my last Nexus Andy list but that was a very different beast anyway.

2 Dec 2016 lopert

So I've been thinking about this type of deck a lot, and I'm wondering if the Nexuses are really worth it.

As I can see it, the deck has two "phases".
The first is setting up, and applying pressure to the corp to slow them down while the DLR engine comes online. Here cards like Siphon / The Source shine. You don't have Taps out and Nexus is too expensive to play.
The second is DLR o'clock, where Jak / Nexus / DLR / Power Tap / Citadel all come together to quickly burn the corp's deck.

During this second phase, you aren't really using the Nexus for the bypass, mostly for just tagging yourself. Sure you can go contest the remote and get a bypass, but that delays your DLRing a whole turn. I think in this situation you probably just want to let the corp attempt to score out through your Source / Fall Guys while you mill them. You can get the same self-tagging effect through Masanori, who is cheaper to install, gives you card draw, and is influence free.

TL;DR Is Nexus really worth it? Or could Masanori do the same thing and give you 6 inf to play around with?

2 Dec 2016 Waltzard

This deck needs the Black File.

2 Dec 2016 lilelia

@lopertI actually started this kind of deck with Masanori, and moved away for a couple of reasons. First, sometimes they don't have a server for you to easily bounce off (this was actually something that came up during test games). Second, I wanted to run a lot without all breakers out and Nexus is good for facechecking (especially since now there's horrible ice of every type). 3rd, it pays back for itself eventually with the power taps and then some, and this is relevant for convincing them you can get into their scoring server and they should wait a bit more/pay a lot to keep you out with the trace. And more generally, I've won most of my games from just stealing 7 points without dlr, and Nexus helps with that. But these points are somewhat to do with my playstyle, you can make it work with masanori instead.