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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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This deck is built around Mason Bellamy and Heinlein Grid. We need to be able to punish the runner running last click since Heinlein Grid can't fire if they do so, so we tag them with either Data Raven or Prisec, then punish with either Closed Accounts or The All-Seeing I. NGO Front has been useful only for money thus far, as we don't really care about baiting runs.
We want ETRs to pull off the Mason Bellamy/Heinlein Grid combo and make an impenetrable server, so that's what most of the ice is geared towards.
The threat of Mason Bellamy/Heinlein Grid has done much more work than Heinlein Grid itself; I've never been able to fire it off. It does make the runner pretty reluctant to run your remote with 3-4 upgrades stacked in it, though. Honestly, I think this deck would be better off with Heinlein Grid as something else, but then how will I ever live the dream?
I think this list needs more ice, but I'm not sure what I'd cut for it - I'd want at least one more Enigma, and maybe another Data Raven.
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