Click Suppression (2-2 NYC Uncommons SC)

EnderA 504

The fundamental purpose of this deck is to tax the runner on clicks so much that they can't prevent you from scoring.

To an extent, it does that. However, the economy is too poor to support everything that's going on and deal with pressure from the runner. This was especially apparent after 3 Diversion of Funds and a multitude of Corporate Grant triggers in a single game.

The games were mostly lopsided. Either I locked them out, or they crushed me with overwhelming pressure.

Changes: I think a better approach would be more glacier-esque. Cut the Cold Site Servers, which are expensive to maintain and take up valuable slots. I rarely used them. Keep 1 if you must. Cut the Border Controls that are weak ice on their own, that everyone expects, and take up a lot of influence. Keep the runner tunneling through the ever more expensive MCAAP remote. Throw in ice that punishes Aumakua, rather than simply requiring a decoder. Fairchild 3.0, though good, isn't the beast it once was; we need still better ice.

Basically, the runner will be forced to run the (now much more taxing) remote every other turn (which forces even more click taxing from ELP) or allow MCAAP scoring out an agenda. If necessary, you can still score out of the remote manually.

2 Apr 2019 Sanjay

Very helpful write up!

Do you think without the Cold Sites the Efficiency Committees are worth it over Sales Team?

2 Apr 2019 EnderA


Efficiency Committee can in some situations effectively give you two clicks per counter, as it lets you turn a MirrorMorph-restricted click into two non-advance clicks (e.g. 5-click turn with 3 installs.) It also enables Restore -> click MCA Austerity Policy after scoring with 4 advancements (including itself), letting you continue the MCA chain a turn earlier than you otherwise might. Two counters lets you do the same with Archived Memories. Two counters also lets you purge manually to score through Clot.

That being said, Cold Site Server was the primary motivation for its inclusion, and the deck is currently lacking economy.

Another candidate for inclusion would be Remote Enforcement, presuming the new glacier strategy, helping to build a fortified remote server. Whether that is better than 10 credit drip would depend on the deck's ICE suite.