Hayleybadger v2

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Leviathan 166

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RIP Utopia Shard

21 Jan 2016 Leviathan

Hayleybadger don't care. Hayleybadger don't give a shit. Hayleybadger takes what it wants.

Thanks @Smaug!

This deck has lots of targets for Hayley’s ability plus Aesop’s economy. It is OOZING tempo. The only thing to be aware of is if you sell a Harbinger it ruins Hayley's ability for that turn because Harbinger gets installed and it’s a typeless card at that point so you can't install anything along with it.

Important notes:

  • Installing an Self-modifying Code from your grip (using Hayley's ability) after using the SMC from the table.
  • My favorite​ is Clone Chip in a program then ​install from your grip​ with her ability! So basically clone chips allow you to install from hand at paid ability speed!
  • Clone chip in a Cache. Get paid for using her ability!
  • Multithreader and The The Toolbox credits can be used to pump Atman, which is so nice.
  • Unused threader credits should pump your Study Guide between turns.
  • The Toolbox looks like a big tempo hit, but this deck has all kinds of tempo to burn. Once Toolbox is on the table that’s just more recurring money, plus Shrike no longer uses MU, ​PLUS​ your link is better, ​PLUS​ you have 2 extra MU for your other program shenanigans.
  • Same Old Thing is for recurring Levy in case it gets sniped.
  • Film Critic foils Haarpsichord, Kitties behind Ravens, and avoid SEA/Scorched or Midseasons
  • Net Shield. GG PE. GG CP
  • Last but no least, the main engine that drives the deck. Professional Contacts

The dream opening hand is ProCo, Armitage, and other stuff.

1: credit

2: ProCo & Armitage (using Hayley's ability)

3 & 4: ProCo. Feeling poor? Next turn hit Armitage like you’re mad at it.

Future consideration:

  • Councilman (because who doesn't want that?).

  • Temple of the Liberated Mind. This deck often has clicks to burn, so banking them for later could be good.

  • Rebirth. If the game lasts long enough to Levy, then changing into Kit for the late game could be nice with that super-pumped Study Guide.

22 Jan 2016 HexNet

Film Critic doesn't protect you from SEA Source, only the Midseasons.

Consider a single Cyber-Cypher as an efficient early game decoder until you can get your Study Guide ready?

Toolbox makes your Shrike 0 MU, so the CyberSolutions Mem Chip might be overkill. Save some money and drop it down to an Akamatsu MemChip?

23 Jan 2016 Leviathan

@HexNet Good catch on the SEA Source! The CyCY suggestion is solid, but I find Atmans can fill emergency slots in a pinch. As a matter of fact I'll be putting one more Atman back in the deck. With threader and toolbox they are just too easy to install. I will take your suggestion on the memchip though.

I have to note that Technical Writer is out. In this list it really feels like a big tempo hit taking out Daily Casts.

Updated list is:

-3 Technical Writer, -1 CyberSolutions Mem Chip, -1 Modded

+3 Daily Casts, +1 Akamatsu Mem Chip, +1 Atman

7 Feb 2016 inniscor

Artist Colony feels like it might be a good shout in this deck. With The Toolbox being so expensive and things like News Team being out there. I only have one core so I pulled out a copy and put in two. It also has a 0 cost to install so it's great food for Aesop later in the game or if you piggy backed the install and didn't end up using it.

7 Feb 2016 inniscor

Oops I misread and thought you DIDN'T pay the cost.