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All of this deck's success goes to one of my testing partner, smaug (ABTG4LIFE). Apparently his shaper-fu is strong! Differences in my deck are largely a meta call.
A pre-MWL version of this deck won the January 2016 GNK at The Covenant Store. Last non-MWL game I'll ever play.
Deck highlights will be in comments.
16 Jan 2016
16 Jan 2016
I was looking for this earlier! I made a similar version based on what I could see from a game recorded on Youtube by CJFM. One thing to think about is Technical Writer - I used 3x of those instead of the Daily Casts and they make so much money, especially when you're double installing cheap hardware and programs with Hayley's ability and there's more than one on the table. I have Clot in my deck because I was finding it hard to compete against FA (MWL doesn't really slow them down as much as you'd think, since Clone Chips getting hit means that they can expect less Clots) and 3x Harbinger instead of the Caches, which still seems pretty good. |
16 Jan 2016
Thanks for the comment How much money are you really making on your Technical Writers in Hayley? I only ask because I have a friend who plays TW in his Hayley deck and he says he gets paid 7-15 credits on average from a TW depending on when it gets installed. He likes that kind of burst cash, but for me I'd rather get it drip. In this list I'd say realistically there would be 9-12 times TW would get a counter. And that is only if TW hits the table in the first couple turns. As long as I have Aesop's Pawnshop on the table early (and I really try to) then a Daily Casts will make me 9 credits over 3 turns any time it gets installed. I feel like Daily Cast might be a slightly more consistent pay out than Technical Writer. That being said, I don't know how long I can resist the lure of the Technical Writer. :) I might have to give it a try and see how it feels. As for Clot; with regards to the affect MWL has, I feel like Clone Chip gets included regardless of MWL more often than the FA tools. Only because Astro and SanSan are both on MWL and that makes it rougher to keep going down that road. Is FA dead? Absolutely not! That shit is too good to die, haha. But will we see less of it? My gut says we will. Removing Clot from the deck certainly makes FA the deck's Achilles Heel, but I'm hoping that doesn't come up too often. If it does, I just hope Hayley lets me play faster. In any case, I haven't played enough post-MWL matches to say. It might turn out that Clot comes back into the list. As far as Harbinger vs Cache; they are the same influence but Cache gets you paid. So I gotta say Cache is greater than Harbinger. However, Harbinger is 0 cost and 0 MU so it's an AWESOME target for Hayley's ability when you are using Aesop economy and there's nothing else in your hand for Hayley's ability. Anyway, I appreciate the conversation and I'll certainly be keeping Clot and Technical Writer in mind as things develop. |
17 Jan 2016
Daily Casts only makes you 6 if you pawn it (because it costs you 3 to install) and doesn't start to pay itself back until 2 turns later, whereas TW can be installed for 0 and keep ticking up until you need to take a lot of money, almost like a clickless Kati Jones. I find that having 0 cost resources makes using Hayley's ability for resources a lot smoother, since I can just double install ProCo and a TW if I'm lucky enough to have them both in my opening hand. Getting up to around 7+ credits on TW makes those turns where you drop 2x RDI out of nowhere or want to install the Toolbox but don't have a Modded a lot smoother. |
17 Jan 2016
20 Jan 2016
That being said, one good TW could pay for that Toolbox install. Even though this deck makes good money, installing Toolbox isn't cheap so getting an easy install of that would be nice. I haven't had the chance to test a lot with TW yet so the jury is still out, but I'll let you know what I find out. In the end it might need to be a mix of TW and DC. Current list is: -1 Corroder, -2 Akamatsu Mem Chip, -3 Daily Casts +1 Clot, +1 CyberSolutions Mem Chip, +1 Escher, +3 Technical Writer |
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Hayleybadger don't care. Hayleybadger don't give a shit. Hayleybadger takes what it wants.
Thanks @Smaug!
This deck has lots of targets for Hayley’s ability plus Aesop’s economy. It is OOZING tempo. The only thing to be aware of is if you sell a Harbinger it ruins Hayley's ability for that turn because Harbinger gets installed and it’s a typeless card at that point so you can't install anything along with it.
Important notes:
The dream opening hand is ProCo, Armitage, and other stuff.
1: credit
2: ProCo & Armitage (using Hayley's ability)
3 & 4: ProCo. Feeling poor? Next turn hit Armitage like you’re mad at it.
Future consideration:
Slotting in Escher somewhere.
Councilman (because who doesn't want that?).
Temple of the Liberated Mind. This deck often has clicks to burn, so banking them for later could be good.
Rebirth. If the game lasts long enough to Levy, then changing into Kit for the late game could be nice with that super-pumped Study Guide.
What's missing? Any suggestions? Not having Clot could be painful, but I'm hoping MWL slows down the FA some. I just can't give up that sweet, sweet Cache.