Ele's Electronics Shop

disperse 195

This is a fun Janky deck designed to quickly draw into the one-off meta cards you need for any particular match. I'm more than happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Early Game

Mulligan for a Technical Writer, ideally you want to start with two of the four key cards for your economy: Aesop's Pawnshop, Bazaar, Replicator, and Technical Writer.

Once you have a Technical Writer and Replicator installed you can start installing your cheap hardware: NetChips and Spy Cameras. This will net you money on your Technical Writer and can be pawned off later on. A Bazaar will save you a lot of clicks if you can get it early.

Mid Game

40 Cards - 6 Spy Cameras - 6 NetChips - 5 cards in your starting hand leaves a thin 23 cards to get through. 3 Diesels will blow through half that. Get out the key cards:

vs. Tag and Bag Decks

Film Critic and New Angeles City Hall

vs. Net Damage Decks

Feedback Filter

vs. Asset Spam Decks


vs. Cerebral Imaging

Employee Strike

You can use your 6 installed Spy Cameras to find the cards you need quicker. Bury your Levy, you don't want to lose it to a Neural EMP. Dump your extra Pawnshops, Bazaars, Replicators and meta cards that you don't need.

End Game

Net Mercur.

Install Inti, Switchblade, and Yog.0 on your Baba Yaga. A Cloak goes on a NetChip. Start burning Spy Cameras to peek at the top of R&D and snipe agendas off the top. If you think they're holding agendas, Legwork.

Then Levy and do it all again...

Bad Matchups

Black Tree Jinteki is rough as you don't have a lot of extra cards for padding. Get out the Feedback Filter early and spend those Aesop's credits to save your cards.

There's no Clot or The Source in this deck so fast advance is hard to stop. Try and get the agendas before they do, always run Jackson Howard and trash all San Sans.

Cards I'd like to add if I had the influence/space

Hunting Grounds is great against Tollbooth, Bulwark, Data Raven, etc.

The Source could be subbed in for Legwork but really needs Fall Guys and we can't spare 3+ influence.

I'd prefer Scrubber in addition to over Paricia when facing off against asset spam or RP prison decks. Maybe replace one Spy Camera?

Test Run for those cases when your Baba Yaga is on the bottom of the deck or you lose your Switchblade to a Neural EMP before you get your Feedback Filter out.

Further testing reveals

Needs multi-access Dies badly to Scarcity of Resources

9 Mar 2017 Zankoku

Why's Fall Guy necessary when you already have Film Critic to keep The Source alive?

10 Mar 2017 disperse

@Zankoku Well, the Film Critic will keep The Source alive when you access an agenda but won't keep it from being trashed when the corp scores one out the old fashioned way. He's also a big target for Snatch and Grab and Enforcing Loyalty.