Aniccam Triggers – 4-2 @NANPC Montreal August 2024

m31345 129

Very much Sokka's "Boring deck" with a couple of changes.

I wanted to be prepared against very tall servers that would tax my money or revolver counters. I included an extra copy of Pinhole to make sure I only ran servers when needed. I didn't feel like Clot was necessary because Cupellation is able to snatch potential fast advance tools so I removed it for the influence and added another Build script to give even more drawing tools.

R1 win against Issuaq.

R3 loss vs Asa Group. Made some misplays here (not popping Hannah before a deep dive knowing there are Ikawah in the deck)

R5 win against PD.

Top Cut 1 win against Reality +. The open decklist made this one pretty hard to die to.

Semi final win against Asa Group.

Final lost against PE. I think that was an okay matchup for this deck (somewhat of an asset spam with Hannah and Paricia, burst draw and econ) but I completely brain farted turn 2 and killed myself running an Anemone with no Killer around.