Win Fast Lose Fast(er) - 1-1 at August AMT (4th)

Stwyde 31

This deck went 1-1 at the August AMT, Winning against an Ob deck, and losing to a PD deck. The final round was an ID.

This deck basically has one goal: Run centrals fast, early, and then deep dive for agendas. The breaker suite is cheap, yet temporary, and you can easily find yourself just unable to contest servers if you're not lucky with the early dives.

It uses Pichação to get an extra click for deep diving, and utilizes an event based economy because resources like Telework Contract, Aesop’s Pawnshop or Daily Casts are all too darn slow. When Shoot the Moon PD can close out games in under 8 turns, wasting a turn for econ feels wasteful.

To better support this run based economy, Aniccam provides some card draw. Burner lets you potentially slow down the corp, and Rigging Up gives you some longevity to your breakers, but also can just save you some credits.

The secret sauce / tech here is Window of Opportunity. You can use Window to install a Pichação, Simulchip, or breaker, and then derez an ice that would slow you down. It also makes the derez optional, so you can avoid derezzing a Ping vs R+, or a Gatekeeper vs HB. Vs Eminent Domain Ob, derezzing the archer for a turn can be massive. Especially given your killer of choice can only get through maybe two Archers before needing to be refreshed.

Early game, facetank ice unless you're playing vs Jinteki to respect Saisentan. Use that facetanking to get information on what Ice you want to swap and where later on.

People don't really expect deep dives early from Tao, which can lead to some really spicy 5 point steals if you're lucky. Unfortunately on my game vs PD, I deep dove twice, and saw 0 agendas.

I'm now browsing the "I whiff Deep Dives" stickers on TheTagMill's Etsy site.